Hi I've got a 2015 nissan navara d40 2.5 190bhp, 860000miles, it's started to make a squeeking noise from the gearbox/clutch area I can hear it in the cab but once I get out you carnt hear it, I originally thought it was the belts and tensioners but looking in to it I think it's coming from the tunnel area so suspect clutch fault. But it doesn't matter if its in neutral in gear stationary or driving the only thing that does change is the noise with engine revs. Has any one else experienced this am i right in thinking its a brass bush rather than a spigot bearing? If I turn radio up to a quater of the volume you carnt hear it so it's not really loud just annoying.
Also any reccomendations for a full clutch kit aswell please ?
Thank you
Also any reccomendations for a full clutch kit aswell please ?
Thank you