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  1. Dazza63

    Fuel runs back into tank

    Thanks bods Ill give it a try info greatly appreciated...I did do service and did fuel filter about two weeks ago but problem was before that but Ill check hose clamps and try priming looking for leaks....
  2. Dazza63

    Fuel runs back into tank

    I have had this issue stop me a couple of times in my 2008 D40 Spain built when I park it on a steep hill. The fuel runs back into tank and you have to try and pump it back up to filter. Also now it starts first up of a morning and idles fine but by the time I get my seat belt on it cuts out and...
  3. Dazza63

    Airbag Light Flashing

    Thanks guys for replies it was clock spring $245 for clock spring and $300 scanning and labour. Extortion. The worst thing is I replaced it only about 4mnths ago and its gone again not happy but fixed now I hope. But thanks for replies greatly appreciated....The one I bought online cost me $50...
  4. Dazza63

    Airbag Light Flashing

    I went out to start my 2008 D40 about 4 days ago and the air bag light continually flashes just came on over night. I did a bit of research found the turn key on till light flashes then turn off wait 5 secs turn back on. Repeat this 3 times to reset the air bag light. It didn't work at all. Had...
  5. Dazza63

    Cruise control not engaging

    Replaced clock spring and they told me it was for a RHD vehicle had the R on it but mongrels when it arrived had the L but it was new so installed it but made no difference to cruise control still didn't work. I know a silly question but to make sure I do it correctly how do you check the switch...
  6. Dazza63

    4lo not engaging

    Was none of the above but was broken wires working now just doesn't have that orange 4WD light come on but I can live with that it goes into high range and 4LO so that's the main thing.But I appreciate all replies and help thanks.
  7. Dazza63

    D40 navara washer jets adjustment

    Thanks guys Ill try it today appreciate replies.
  8. Dazza63

    D40 navara washer jets adjustment

    My windscreen washer jets work but are not adjusted properly I see there is some sort of little screw type adjuster on the side of the nozzle but it don't move Im guessing this is the adjust the angle any ideas on how to free it up or how to adjust them up. Thanks
  9. Dazza63

    4lo not engaging

    Got it sorted broken wires apparently 4Hi and $LO work but the 4WD orange light don't come on but I guess that's not too bad thanks for all the help.
  10. Dazza63

    Runing lights

    What sort of running lights have you folk fitted to you D40. I don't particularly like the smaller LED chunky lights. Has anyone fitted strip LED lights or what do you have I always turn lights on, but just having running lights would be better. If you have any photos even better please put on...
  11. Dazza63

    Projector lights D40

    I have seen what look like projector lights in Pathfinders here I Aussieland not every car has them but I have seen them. Are these aftermarket or do some models come out factory with them in I have tried wreckers but no luck yet. They seem to know what Im talking about but don't have a specific...
  12. Dazza63

    Cruise control not engaging

    Ill look when it comes thanks again
  13. Dazza63

    Cruise control not engaging

    Thanks for the tip mate Ill follow instructions to the letter. Appreciate the help
  14. Dazza63

    4lo not engaging

    Relays all good under bonnet no blown fuses switches on brake pedal all good to so im back to solenoids on gear box.
  15. Dazza63

    4lo not engaging

    You are the man with the know mate I love these forums the amount of info you can get is simply amazing and invaluable again thanks for your wealth of knowledge I will check the switches thanks so much for all your help..
  16. Dazza63

    Cruise control not engaging

    Your absolute champion mate Tony I will check it all out when I get a moment this weekend hopefully I just hate having things not doing what they should or not working at all thanks for the info greatly appreciated indeed...
  17. Dazza63

    Cruise control not engaging

    Been asked before I guess but I cant find it. My light comes on the dash "cruise" but you cant set it. I have replaced the rubbers on brake and clutch under dash still no difference. I heard that the clock spring wears out in steering wheel could this be and issue as well or a common thing I am...
  18. Dazza63

    4lo not engaging

    I just read another post old tony the guru put on a while ago but you should get a 4WD orange light to come dash at top left of dash when engaged in 4x4 I see it light up when I start car but it has never been on while I am in 4x4 I do get 4HI but no 4 LO as this post is about is this true....
  19. Dazza63

    2011 d40 odd noise at idle

    Mine had same noise suealing noise like a pig getting killed was the alternator pulley I got new alternator no more noise all good.
  20. Dazza63

    4lo not engaging

    I don't think you can swap the solenoids bods as one pulls and pushes different polarity to make it work if you follow so Ive been told but all ideas and info greatly appreciated...