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  1. Black beast

    2.5L -vs- 3.0L Engine

    Cheers fellas, by the sounds of things the zd30 is a good engine :) I only have a 2" sus lift at the moment cause I've been tossing this up. What are the essensial mods for the zd30? Gauges? Intercooler? Cheers, Cookey.
  2. Black beast

    2.5L -vs- 3.0L Engine

    Just stories from mates who had a friend whose brothers girlfriends dads mate zd30 blew haha Reckon I might just service it every 5000kms and invest in a few engine mods. You fellas do your own services? Cheers for your help to fellas.
  3. Black beast

    Help engine just stopped!!!!

    Is it a steel tray nav? You sure have put a bit of $$$$ into it, almost reckon it deserves its own thread...... once its going again haha
  4. Black beast

    2.5L -vs- 3.0L Engine

    Okay, so I'm still after some sort of comparason but at the moment I think I'm leaning to keeping the Grenade and just modding it up :) But if any yd25 engine owners want to pitch in, that would be greatly appreciated. Cheer, Cookey.
  5. Black beast

    Help engine just stopped!!!!

    Shit mate (apologise for the French) that sucks proper balls. Probably not what you wanted to hear right now, but I'm pretty sure I'm right in saying that the entire Forum has sympathy for you. Reckon you'll keep the Nav and fix her up? Cookey.
  6. Black beast

    2.5L -vs- 3.0L Engine

    Mate, the thing is I honestly don't know anything about common rail vs not common rail, so i can't answer that question =/ power isn't really a problem, it's more to do with the zd30 having a repitation of blowing up. I am almost anal on servicing it every 10,000kms so if I keep that up will it...
  7. Black beast

    2.5L -vs- 3.0L Engine

    Okay boys this is my problem. I have the option to trade up my '06 3.0L Nav to a 2.5L possibly '07/'08 model. Only problem is that I have big plans for this baby and I don't want to go end up selling her with all her mods. So I have 2 options: Option 1: keep my baby and do her up and not trade...
  8. Black beast

    Fraser Trip in December

    Sounds like an awesome trip mate. I'm a little bit jealous of your beach camping, would have loved to crawl out of a swag to see that beach :) it just became too much of a hassle for our crew to manage so we settled on a house. Better than nothing right?
  9. Black beast

    Fraser Trip in December

    FB, are you set on beach camping? Me and a few mates are planning a trip there early December and I was planning to just beach camp but I was told to look at the beach houses there and it turned out to be just over $100ea for 6 nights. If you have a few going with you I would suggest having a...
  10. Black beast Stickers

    Mate if all the copyright clears I'd love a sticker. How big are you looking at making them?
  11. Black beast Stickers

    Just wondering who else is in the same boat as me; I would love to see if anyone was able to do up some stickers to help identify (and advertise) people from here :) I don't know about you guys, but driving along Fraser Island and passing a Nav with that sticker would be pretty...
  12. Black beast

    For Dave... And every other bloke here.....

    I second that motion. Top bloke he is. Top bloke.
  13. Black beast

    Engine Squeak

    Any ideas fellas?
  14. Black beast

    D40 lift question

    Hey Drako, The best thing to do is either has a snoop around the D40 suspension area or try searching it, more than likely someone has already answered your question :) you can also try talking to Ironhide as he has done a 2" body and 3" sus lift on his D40 (by the way it looks awesome) Good...
  15. Black beast

    Engine Squeak

    Hey fellas, Bad news. The squeak is back already. But this time I have more info on it. It seems to be coming from the right side of the engine bay and it only happens when the engine is cold. I have attached 2 videos of the sound, one with the hood up and one with it down. Video isn't much...
  16. Black beast

    Pics of your Nav in beautiful places.

    Here are a few of mine. Found this place one day on the way home from Stoney Creek. Pure fluke.
  17. Black beast

    Engine Squeak

    I went to take the video this arv but.... no noise. Just gone. I can't figure it out. Thanks for the help so far fellas, and if it starts again you'll be the first to know. Cheers, Cookie.
  18. Black beast

    Engine Squeak

    I told my mate about the noise and he reckons its probable the bearings in the turbo. How much to fix? Or is it easier to get a new trubo? And what is the worst possible outcome? I will try to get that video up this arv so if you could have a look for me that would be great. Cheers.
  19. Black beast

    Engine Squeak

    Cheers mate, I'll try that tomorrow arv. If I supplied a video of what is going on with sound and everything, do you think that would help in figuring out what's going on? Cheers.
  20. Rex

