Where to draw the line.

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Sep 1, 2011
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When looking a buying something new, weather it be a tent, led bar, exhaust or seat covers.
Where do you draw the line in regards to branded vs non branded cheaper versions.

For example, a 'Scott's Rods' exhaust is $1000 posted where a 'beaudesert' being the branded in this case is another $290 ontop.

What is everyone's thoughts on this?
How much cheaper does something need to be before you stop considering the branded version?

i went for a cheap 3in mandrel exhaust ($750) and had trouble with dump pipe falling off and not enough mounts but now all fixed and am happy but if had time again would of went with beaudesert.you probably get what you pay for in most cases!!!!
It all depends on the product and the intended use. For some items that rarely get used cheap more than justifies itself for other items where you pay for a brand name sometimes it there is more to the product sometimes there isn't.

Drawing the line would be different on each item and for a heap of different reasons and while cost would often be one of the reasons it's definitely not always the reason.
Does my life depend on it? Yes -- trusted brand name. No -- consider a cheaper option.
Some Good points there fellas.
If you haven't guessed I'm looking at exhausts.

And also led bars too.
I know great whites are top notch but cost a bit more then say tigerz11....

Have you got any examples where you wish you hadn't gone cheaper!?
Very good question has been asked. To me and maybe many it comes down to how often it gets used and then will it he of an advantage to me or get me out without failing. Sorta like nakedape has mentioned. If you referring to exhaust and the 2 brands mentioned they are both of really good quality. Only reason I went with beau system was I only wanted 2 3/4" exhaust not 3" like Scott's rods offer. Even though Scott's rods no longer make the yd25 exhaust for d22 cause of the massive variances between models.

I do do alotttttttttt of research before putting any coin on anything whether its cheap or expensive. For items used regularly is choose a tried and tested item. But sometimes the no namers are just as good. For items that see light use etc I'd research all brands and pick to the provided budget I have allowed.
I went with the beau exhaust cor the same reason as rusty, aswell I know they are the goods, the beau is aluminised steel where the scotts is only mild steel im pretty sure!

but as the other guys said it comes down to budget and also what you expect from the product.

I'll always buy a well known brand of climbing harness/ rope/ bely/ krab/ draw over a ching li brand - even if its a well known brand that I've never used before cause they wouldn't be in business long enough to get well known if they made shit.

So to answer your question - when life & death type purchases need to be made its usually a no-brainer! Go with the certified goods from a manufacturer with a good reputation.
But that's not answering the question I posed. By the same reckoning your next ute purchase could well be a Mahindra because they have been in business for decades, they even make aeroplanes which must be safer than cars and they wouldn't still be in business if they made shit, yet 90% of ute buyers who own something different will tell you Mahindra utes are shit.

There are shitloads of companies out there who have been operating for years and still make shit and there is heaps of companies out there who are new upstarts and are making quality that beats others. Simply claiming that in life and death situations the brand name or known name is always better could well be selling that life short.

So in reality the answer is not as simple as 'does my life depend on it? Yes -- trusted brand name. No -- consider a cheaper option' because it can't be adapted to every situation with 100% accuracy.

*nitpicking yeah but fcuk it I had nothing else to do while I was eating lunch.*
I chose cheap mud tyres for the patrol at work when I ordered new ones, purely because we seemed to damaging them before wearing them out,
When looking a buying something new, weather it be a tent, led bar, exhaust or seat covers.
Where do you draw the line in regards to branded vs non branded cheaper versions.

It depends on a number of factors.

I bought more expensive ARB winch extensions, tree protectors, bow shackles because I needed to have faith in those components. I bought an Aldi winch to try it out - was happy with it, and because the control box was damaged, I decided "to hell with it" and bought another Aldi winch. I have been in situations where the winch was needed and it came through for me, so the lesson for me was "cheap isn't always bad".

Would I buy a (item) for 3 or 4 times the price just because of a logo? I'm not rich enough to do that.

I did buy BFG tyres. I am not yet happy to rely on Nankang or Hankook. I won't buy Bridgestones - I am simply not happy at all with their tyres, having had numerous issues with them over many years.

Where safety can be affected I'm less likely to compromise, but if I pick up a cheaper alternative and it LOOKS cheaper, I won't use it.
I bought a cheap set of LED spotties off ebay from china and although they looked good and work, the chrome started rusting and pitting within 6 months. Now they look like they're 20yrs old despite actually being only 2yrs old.

I agree with some of the previous sentiments. If your families' life depends on it, then go with a trusted brand. For LED light bars, they're probably much of a muchness. For exhausts, fitment could be a pain.

Every situation is different. Every situation deserves research into quality/reliability/price/used do a little research into everything I buy. Ask people who have it. Etc. my tools at work are all snapon because they make my living. Good tools 12hrs a day pays for themselves. But at home when working on cars etc its cheap shit that does the job. Usually with a little more swearing
i believe this has been covered on here before but none the less with all the chip talk going around i figure its not a bad time to mention it again.
i have stumbled across another instance where the 'where to draw the line' is null and or void. and common sense comes into play.

below are two links, its the same item One is in Australia, one isnt
I think i know which ill be buying



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