VDC light

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Mar 25, 2013
Reaction score
Midland Perth
Hi guys. Just joined today. Have had a D 40 for 10 000km and love it. Thought I would regret selling the old patrol but not so. Anyway I have a problem. The VDC light and the one next to it with the skid marks keeps coming up after about 15 minutes of driving. If I switch off ignition and the on again it resets but then comes back after the 15 minutes of driving. I have disconnected battery to reset but that doesn't change anything. Nissan said it may not be warranty if there was dirt on a plug or something which surprised me as it is a 4wd after all. I suspect it may be dirt on one of the wheel pickups or something like that. I am now also getting an engine light but haven't investigated that yet. Thanks for any ideas. Cheers kirk
Hi Kirk, welcome to the forum! On a 10,000km old car, I'd be getting the stealship to investigate any light coming on, especially anything to do with the engine or the safety system.

I doubt it would be a bit of dirt if the light is coming on like clock work at a certain time. If it were a bit of dirt, it would come on as soon as you start the car as the signal is the same as it was when the light came on the time before. Sounds like the usual BS from a dealer trying to get out of fixing something.
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Thanks mate. I might go back there. I just thought that someone must have had the same problem and could tell me why.
ABS and traction control rely on speed sensors at each wheel to know whats going on. It's probably a failed sensor on one wheel.
Welcome aboard.

Have you taken the vehicle off-road yet? It's possible that an ABS line has been snagged, it happens - they're not protected as well as they ought to be especially given how important they are.

During the first 15 minutes before the lights come on, can you engage 4WD mode? What about 4LO? If you can't, you can bet one of the ABS lines are damaged or one of the sensors are faulty.

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