ute web covers

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happy john

Dec 26, 2012
Reaction score
Brisbane Northside
I know it's not a navara thing but of late i have noticed just about any tradie ute has a mesh elastic cover over it,is there a new law that utes must have this over them?i have not heard of it any idea's?
Are you talking about the type of thing you would put over your trailer when going to the tip or something?

If so I think late last year there was a new law introduced regarding unsecured loads and even if nothing had come out if the cops think it looks dodgy they can fine you.
Yes mate like a net over the tray there must be a new law so your spot on i just havn't been told but nearly every ute i see has this net anyway thanks for your reply.
Check your state rules, I'm sure someone said either here on or another forum a while back that one state in particularity has rules about uncovered loads.
Yes rules have changed. Those nets are even illegal. It just not have gaps bigger than 1" x1". Only a few companies offer these nets. I have one installed on my work Ute made by Gorilla net and its rated to 800kg+. Best thing I have added to my Ute by far. Remember if a cop or transport person deems any item in the tray of a Ute that isn't secured to be classed to cause injury or death in an accident than its up to $200 per item.

Check you states regulations though.

Last time I went to the soil yard for a load of gravel they had signs up on the office door saying that all loads mus be secure before leaving there yard. I tried to do the rite thing and put a tarp over the load and a net, even though it was pis##ng down rain and I had to untangle the stupid net. By the time I got home the tarp had blown out and got tangled luckily in the back of the net and I had been dragging a 5m long tarp behind me. LOL
I know it's not a navara thing but of late i have noticed just about any tradie ute has a mesh elastic cover over it,is there a new law that utes must have this over them?i have not heard of it any idea's?

Not a new law, just newly enforced.
Yeah, they are starting to enforce it. Been around for ages just not worried to much about. A plumber mate got stung for a pair of gum boots wedged between the cab n tray of his ute..... 2 separate fines. However i did hear along the grape vine that if you have a pair of shoes in the tray that have laces and are tied together then they are considered 1 item.

The police commissioner must have a brother in law that is in the struggling tray net industry.

I also heard that they are going to try and bring it in that the nets need to be tested and tagged every 12 mths or so. Bring on all the old fly by nighters that were once doing roof insulation. Im sure it will die down after a while, just have to play they game for now.

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Been the law in NSW for some years now, uncovered load = $200 fine. I think it's enforced, I've never had an uncovered load and even when towing a trailer I've had a tarp over everything and a net over that, so I don't know first-hand, but a couple of people I've spoken to have been pinged for an uncovered load.

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