UniFlow air filter grief

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Aug 17, 2010
Reaction score
Perth WA
I've posted before about uniflows filters. This is my 3rd one, 2 for my Nav and 1 for my 80. I have a hell of a time cleaning them. I use uniflows cleaning solution but it doesn't seem to break up the oil properly. Is anyone else running uniflow?
This is also concerning, see how the end of the filter isn't flat. Make you wonder if any dirt was bypassing the filter


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I have only recently put my kn filter back into my d22 as I had concerns of it not collecting the dirt properly. I did notice on my cape trip that even the ryco filters didn't filter properly. Red dust was on the turbo side of filter and the maf sensor thick in red dust. Concerning? Yes yes it was deeply concerning. I've had new genuine filter put in but is a spare now.

I havent really had much with the unifilter but maybe try petrol to clean the filter up and check your inlet to turbo for dust residue.

Ive had my uni filter in for about 50000k, one end like yours looks a bit warped but has not caused any problems. Cleaning, use mineral turpentine, its messy but works well in breaking up the oil. Dont use petrol etc as it will eventually ruin your filter.
For oiling after you clean, I used to use the uni filter mix that you can buy, lately I have been using a Castrol spray on version that is designed for motorbikes, same principal.
Alot easier to apply than using a liquid from a bottle.
Here is a pic of the can I use for oiling up again...


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