Mick C
Hi all I want to fit a secondary filter on my D40 auto (Spanish built 2008) but I'm told there isn't a kit that will fit. Has anyone got any pics of one installed and where they got the kit from
Excuse my ignorance in asking......why do you need a second filter? If you don't think the first filter is up to the job why not improve that rather than fit a second. If you had a weak lock you would just fit a second lock, you'd replace the lock.
I think YBOD is asking why not just replace the factory filter with a better one. I can't fault the argument at all - technically speaking it's better for the engine, it's simpler, it requires no lift pump, less hose joins for fewer potential leaks - I really can't see any reason why you WOULD keep the original filter. Add to this that the OEM filter is a bloody pig with aftermarket modules - the inner seal just never seats right, causing air to get in and fuel to return to the tank overnight - and fitting a second filter just starts to pale a little compared to replacing the Nissan filter.
Your improved filter is still better insurance - and by simplifying it, removing the need for a lift pump and reducing hose joins, I think that makes it even better again.
A couple of pics of the 30 micron Stanadyne pre-filter unit on my 2013 D40 auto
The location is fairly tight, fabricated my own bracket from an offcut of 2mm thick150 C section, only downside is that two bolts need to be undone to lift up and drain or change element, welded the nuts to the bracket to make that easier
Just remember that diesel on the electricals = disaster, so at least with this setup I can lift up and place in a bowl to drain or change element
Fitted pre-filter only because mine is still under warranty and I didn't want to install anything between the OEM filter and the injection system. When that has expired I will probably install a Stanadyne final filter