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There is no tuning needed it either works or it doesn't. Once you get there resistance at the nominal temperature then it has to be right. You can't tune a thermistor to make it more or less accurate.

It basically comes down to one thermistor that works in the temp ranges Nissan require and if you can't get the exact thermistor then adding a resistor could make a different thermistor work in the mid range but more than likely not in the lower and higher ranges, given that thermistors are usually something between about -20 and 140 degrees then reading close to accurate at 25-30 might be ok but unless it's exactly right it will more than likely read out the lower or higher it gets.

I haven't got a genuine part to test and get the figures from but according to the manual and the information supplied in it putting a meter on a genuine part will only reveal that a chain electronic store in this country will be little to no help.
