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Hi all,

I have been dealing with an extremely intermittent stalling issue at cold start (and sometimes hot) for the past 3-4 years.  Over the last 2-3ish months it picked up in pace to where it would happen more often than not at cold start - and even briefly resulted in almost no response from the go pedal at one point.  No codes/check engine was ever seen/detected.  I initially replaced cam and crank position sensors with no change.  I decided to re-instate its original SCV - which I had swapped out (as a precaution only) at the end of 2016.  Problem gone.  Thankfully.

Out of blatant curiosity, I pulled the offending SCV and on the plunger, there is definitely signs of wear which I think goes a long way toward explaining the issue - most likely as a sticking of the plunger in turn causing a lack of fuel.  Picture attached.  I have also included an 'exploded' view of the SCV for reference.

