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happy john

Dec 26, 2012
Reaction score
Brisbane Northside
It's a hot topic has been for a long time a few fact's some don't know.
Your well known 3 chips trick your ecu into pumping huge amounts of fuel into your rail under pressure "all the time"others like chipit ,unichip ect only increase the preasure under load when more grunt is needed.

Simply saying when you drive normal these chips are not doing anything the other well know ones and the reseller that has all the failed rails and injector problems are running the rail at full load.

Steinbauer is safe yes it runs it rich to achieve power without putting pressure on the rail but down goes fuel economy i spent alot of time looking at all the products on the market as we know the german copies give more grunt but they are just copies of what we have in oz.

At the end of the day anybody that does these mod's it's at their own risk i enjoy having 526nm on tap when i need it how do i get my info a good mate of mine a retired diesel fitter and now a consultant for dealerships ,hope it helps you all now off i go and hide
Unichip has an injector module which also can change the timing of the engine so by adding more fuel at the right time is where the difference is. So as for down low power and economy it will make a difference because the timing is different.
There's an excellent thread here which describes many of the available chips.

It's true - most of them do raise the fuel rail pressure - and that can be dangerous. Most of them - even the cheaper ones like the NO-LIMITS chip - plug in to the throttle cable as well and vary the amount of resistance change in the pressure sensor signal depending on the throttle position. Effectively it means at no throttle, no change. At 10% throttle, 10% increase (for example) up to 100% throttle where the max increase in resistance is presented - so that provides the maximum fuel rail pressure that the chip can deliver.

If the resistance was added all the time you'd see the car idling a lot higher than normal. I wonder if that explains some people's idle problems?

It does explain quite nicely that you get what you pay for.

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