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Nissan Navara Forum

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Hi guys i really need some help with this car it will stall only on cold start ups for the first 2 or so minutes .

If you hold the revs up to 2000 rpm it wont stall . Once it stalls it starts with no problems no miss or shake

I have checked the codes and i come up with 1473 i cant seem to find the code on here i may be reading it wrong

I have tried to clear the code by holding the pedal down for 10 seconds after i have read the codes and the engine light just flashes continuously . but when i recheck the codes the 1473 is still there even disconnected the battery still storing the code

Im sure im doing something wrong as with other cars i haven't had this problem

So Please can someone be patient enough to explain what im not doing right

The car is a friends car and he was told by a dealer its a timing chain problem and i couldn't accept it being that so that's why im checking it dont want him to get ripped off

Another thing i noticed with this car the auto trans seems to slip while gear changing a real slug box like the old Holden hydromatics i was looking to see if theres a shift improver kit for the gearbox

I have 2 mates that have Navaras the mate whos car has no problems is stressing now that his car is going to have problems too lol
