Just dropped my dual cab into dealer today with clouds of smoke from exhaust & no power, it's as if the turbo is just not operating at all, the motor has lots of rattles at 2500rpm or so as well. The vehicle drives fine & there was no real reason for this prob, I fuelled up 4 weeks ago (long range tank) from my usuall outlet & it just started this 2 days ago on startup. Any ideas or other such problems anyone has had ???
This ute has been great from day one it's an 06 & has 46k's on it so far, had flywheel replaced on 40k service & now this, is it a bad omen should I be looking to trade or what...... HELP
This ute has been great from day one it's an 06 & has 46k's on it so far, had flywheel replaced on 40k service & now this, is it a bad omen should I be looking to trade or what...... HELP