Is my timing chain broken?

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Mar 20, 2014
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Hi everyone, my D40 has had a nasty rattle for months and i took it to my mechanic who said it sounds like injectors. So i drove on for a bit waiting for a convenient time to have them looked at.
2 days before my breakdown the car was randomly really low on power, full throttle would not get very much out of it then on the freeway it just died. The noise was not a monumental bang more like a popping sound.
The engine turns over but what seems like much faster than normal. I did find a small hose broken on the right hand side of the engine bay, it connected to the top of a small metal cylinder that sits directly above the turbo.
Any help would be really appreciated.

Nope, thats a broken turbo pipe. You've lost all pressure / boost. Fix that hose and you'll be fine. When i upgraded that pipe to a Plazmaman steel pipe, it had no flange on the end of it, which meant under 15PSI of boost, POP!!!!!! The pipe would shoot out of that "cylinder" you mentioned and out of the rubber join that holds it.

Was it a massive pop then no power but you could hear your turbo screaming when you had your foot on the throttle? If you are in Melbourne, i have a spare factory turbo pipe you can have for nothing if you want.
The loss of power could just be elated to the small pipe you describe, BUT it sounds a bit more serious then that to me, especially as you now say that it is turning over faster then normal, that could point to the fact the bottom end is no longer connected to the top end by way of the timing chain.

I would NOT hit the KEY again you could be causing more damage, but if it is a snapped chain more then likely all sorts of other stuff is now damaged anyway.

Obviously its always hard to diagnose something like this with out the car so i could be totally wrong, but i still would not be trying to start it untill you get it looked at properly.
Yeah i probably should have worded my post better (early in the morning still). Its not DEFINANTLY the pipe as Nathan stated above, i didnt see the part of your post about the previous power loss.

Id agree with above, dont turn it over until your mechanic diagnoses it.
That small hose would be the vacuum hose for the turbo actuator. That would explain the intermittent power loss.
But as Nathan said, if its stopped and its turning over quicker that's a worry.
You could undo the oil cap on top, ant crank it over if you don't see anything moving. if not, it means as Nathan said top no longer connected to bottom end.
If that's the case its off to the bin....

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