Injectors letting go and engine blowing up :|

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May 20, 2012
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Hey guys,

A bloke i work with has a 2008 Hilux TD which blew up yesterday (which shocked me cause there suppose to be 'Unbreakable'), his mechanic said he thinks that injectors aren't made like they use to and some times let go, which dumped heaps of diesel into the engine which ended with the piston threw the head. Gonna cost the poor bloke over 10 000 for a new engine installed.

Now i know this is a Navara forum but i just wanted to know if anyone has heard of this happening before? how to prevent it? replacing injectors regularly isn't cheap is it?

I would hate if this happened to my Navara so im gonna start taking even more care with mine..

could be the injector seals as a cause to, it wasn't until late 08 they changed them to the ones that don't leak blowby gasses into the oil which clogged the oil pickup in the 1KD, also the injectors are now some new fancy type, the old ones apparently were not that great.

No doubt the warning signs have been there and just ignored.
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yeah as mentioned above, PRE 08 models had injector seal issues and injector tips disintegrating, that been resolved in later years. i havent heard of any issues with YD25 injector issues ever, so think nissan just got it right....

no way to prevent it, just a design flaw (in the hilux). definiatly would not be an issue at all with ZD30s as they arnt under the same fuel pressure....
Now i know this is a Navara forum but i just wanted to know if anyone has heard of this happening before? how to prevent it? replacing injectors regularly isn't cheap is it?

the leaking injectors seals causes blowby past the injector which basically cooks it and it can seize which blow torches the piston.

the other thing regardless of brand or model is crap fuel (or contaminated fuel) kills pumps and injectors really quickly. a damaged injector can stick open briefly which is all thats needed to torch the piston.
Anybody that looks at the hilux forum knows this is a problem most have no chip when they failed,yes some did how many times do we hear of yd25 failing?sometimes i am a member of the caravaners forum they love the dp chip and roo ect say no more i think clean fuel and not flogging it all the the time and it will last as for my d22 i enjoy the mods never shall i go back to stock 180 reasons why:rofl2:
YD25 motors have had issues with diesel getting into the sump, and theoretically (it hasn't happened to my knowledge) this could cause "diesel run-on". Here's a reasonable example of run-on (not in a ute, but it's spectactular):


Timing chains in the D40 have been an issue, Nissan shouldn't have employed a 12 year old kid to use his bike parts in the design phase.

Other than that, the YD25s aren't too bad an engine.
YD25 motors have had issues with diesel getting into the sump, and theoretically (it hasn't happened to my knowledge) this could cause "diesel run-on". Here's a reasonable example of run-on (not in a ute, but it's spectactular):

<a href="">YouTube Link</a>

Timing chains in the D40 have been an issue, Nissan shouldn't have employed a 12 year old kid to use his bike parts in the design phase.

Other than that, the YD25s aren't too bad an engine.

That's crazy I was expecting a boom
I have seen an engine do that, a 9L scania, Scary stuff when all you can do is wait for em to pop, luckly the one i saw didnt it just died down like the video, all it was running on was oil from a blown turbo.
YD25 motors have had issues with diesel getting into the sump, and theoretically (it hasn't happened to my knowledge) this could cause "diesel run-on". Here's a reasonable example of run-on (not in a ute, but it's spectactular):


Timing chains in the D40 have been an issue, Nissan shouldn't have employed a 12 year old kid to use his bike parts in the design phase.

Other than that, the YD25s aren't too bad an engine.

Blow's as much smoke as a average YD25 to. Haha.

Check out this 453 Detroit, fuel rack got stuck.
haha somehow i dont think that turbo setup is standard to that truck....

man he was quick to throw that plastic cover on the turbo, he had some balls getting his hands in there....have fun picking that plastic outa there buddy hahaha

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