Injectors and turbo

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Aug 5, 2013
Reaction score
Cape Town South Africa
Hi all

Just looking for some guidance and opinions before I 'attack' the garage.

Vehicle in question is a 2nd hand 2007 Hardbody ZD30 4x4.

Long story short I got screwed over with the purchase and have had a huge amount of work done.

Regardless of the other works that have been done my major issue is with the garage that performed the work on the engine.

It was suffering piston slap and so the engine was stripped, rebored, new rings, big ends, valves basically a rebuild so I was told.

I have only driven the vehicle 1500km since the rebuild and have suffered numerous oil leaks and various other issues.

My issue at the moment relates to the turbo.
The garage has already fitted 2 other reconditioned turbo units to my vehicle the first was whining the second impeller seized within 200km!

The vehicle is back at the garage again and has now informed me that a 3rd turbo had been fitted but has screwed up after just 20km.
He is blaming the injectors are worn and starving the turbo of oil, said that the oil is mixing with the diesel.

I personally have no faith in the garage and the owner keeps telling me various stories that contradict the one he told me last week, I think he has tried to pocket the money for the turbo and tried to recon my old one. Along with numerous other shortcomings on the engine rebuild.

Would it be possible for the injector issue to cause turbos to fail so soon (20km), or is he talking sh!t.

Thanks for any help.

Yes,the engine rebuild has a 12 month warranty.
However, what good is a warranty when it is becoming an issue how many times the vehicle keeps going back for works supposedly done before.

Put it this way the vehicle has been at the garage more than with me since I owned it! Due the numerous attempts to fix and refix
I do not understand how a faulty injector would cause the turbo to fail.

if the injectors faulty its either
1) not spraying enough diesel - your engine will lack power, n turbo wont spool as much.
2) spraying to much - your car will have more power and force the turbo to spool earlier. it should'nt over-boost (to the point it throws blades etc) or cause any issues unless your constantly blowing black smoke and smashing high EGTS - then you have other issues...

the turbo is fed oil through an oil feed which is based on your engines oil pressure.....if its getting starved of oil its because the your engine oil pressure is to low and if its to low you have to many other issues to worry about than the turbos...
...there is no way the injectors are related to this system other than the fact the injectors keep the pistons turning which in turn makes the oil pump work.....diesel should not be getting into your oil....if it is then you have other issues....

Turbos shouldent be breaking this easily, especially if they are 'reconditioned'......i can vaguly understand if they were just untested pulled of a wreck and thrown on.....then there is any mount of uncertainty that they are working (and possible to have 3 in a row fail, but your extremely unlucky).... but if hes charging you for a reconditioned unit you should have thrown it back in there face after the first failed.

Intake impeller wheels will fail if the WS leaves a rag in the intake will suck it in straight away and chew itself out....this is pretty common and if you don't trust the WS id assume this could be high on the list of things that happened.

turbos usually don't spit exhaust or impeller wheels eaily - unless they are over-boosting and/or under high work load for extended period of time......turbos dont like being dropped either, i wonder if the WS drooped the one that spat the wheel?

the most common thing to happen to a turbo is that the oil seals will **** up.....this happens naturally, due to age and wear etc.....this causes oil to leak into the intake wheel or more commonly the exhaust wheel....when this happens your turbo will still work but you will get two things depending on what side :
intake - oil in your intake system, visible oil on the turbo/inside on pipes
exhaust - blowing white smoke.

ive had an oil seal let go dramatically with no warning and the turbo was very hard to spin, the engine ran like crap, but as soon as you looked at it you could see it was COVERED in oil and that was obvious what happened.....

Id be asking for a mechanics report from day 1 of everything they have done to your car, go back on all receipts say by now youve given them enough cash to buy a new turbo and or engine, so it might be worthwhile reporting them to somone who can help you claim back some money....

if the WS cant explain to you, in terms you understand what EXCATLY they have done to the car, then they are bullshitting you and most likely making shit up.

my thoughts anyway
If deisel is getting into the oil it will screw seals (but not just turbo seals). But I doubt faulty injectors are screwing turbos - and not without screwing other stuff too.

Make them put a new turbo on. Also get compresion tests to check that they actually did the work they sy they did.
common problem is failing to do the injector spill line up properly. they are a pain to do apparently.
also they probably never tested it to see if the seals worked.

failure to get those seals right can result in fuel leaking into the engine oil and the first thing that often goes is the turbo's.

also a leaking front injection pump seal sould do the same (i think).

have they checked the turbo is getting good oil flow?
someone had the oil line clog up with carbon before.

Thanks for the input it is very welcome.

Oil seepage can be seen through both the turbo pipes coming of the turbo?

Has been evident between the so called turbo swap outs. How's this possible with different turbos?

Garage has supposedly checked oil pressure twice and there is no issue on oil pressure both on idle and load.

Based on whats being told to me, my daily conversations with stories that contradict each other I reckon he's screwed me over for over 30,0000 South African Rand

I have warned him that once this further work has been carried out the vehicle is going to be tested in full to check ALL works that have been carried out.
Then it's going to have be a legal route?
these engines blow a ton of oil out the breather (especially when overfilled with oil) which goes straight into the turbo. that can make it look like turbo has failed as that oil come out of the intake pipes.
so it pays to clean the intake up and disconnect the breather then see if its still leaking oil.
first thing first i would be doing a INDEPENDANT test on the oil to see if it has diesel in can do this yourself without the workshop knowing if you get a sample of the oil

if it does have diesel then it explains some turbo failure....but 3!!! i doubt would have other issues also

did the dipstick oil level go up a few litres with all this so called diesel in the oil?

once you find out of the oil has diesel in it then its time to find out WHY!

if it is the spill valve line as said above then the workshop owes you $$$$$$

at this point ignore the oil in the intake etc it will most likely be normal blow by as said above
Is the guy working on it a diesel mechanic or just a mechanic. They need to know their stuff. The guys advising you here know their stuff, so don't take your mechanics word for it especially if he's not a diesel savy mechanic. Hope you get a result.

Hi all.

An update:

Decided to make a surprise visit to garage last Thursday ( a mission as its 40km away and having my own business I really don't have time ( I think he knows this too!))

On my arrival the owner / mechanic was not there, my vehicle was, bonnet up and one of the workers busy fitting plastic black caps (no idea what they are) back onto the injectors ( he did tell me last week that he was fitting 'new' ones). Complete turbo missing.

I quizzed the worker about whats been going on and he confirmed that NO replacement turbos have been fitted to my vehicle since I left the vehicle with them 2 1/2weeks ago. I have been previosley told by the owner that my vehicle has blown 2 ( or was it 3) replacement turbos since me dropping it off!
Also to add further annoyance my turbo had only been removed from the vehicle the day before and taken to a turbo repair company next door to the garage, whom I specifically told them I do not want to use this company due to negative reports i have heard. Of course I was told they wouldn't use them!

The owner returned and when questioned said nothing and lied again saying that the next turbo sent was for a patrol and not my bakkie and confirmed that my turbo is with the questionable repair company.

I am now coming up to a week later and have been more excuses including that a shaft kit ha had to been ordered.

I do not believe anything that is being told to me as this guy lies to my face.

I'm really looking for some guidance now and legal advice from a south african as I am from the UK and have only been in the country a few years.

Also in answering one of the questions raised, when the turbo did blow I had to nurse the vehicle back over a few days and checked the oil twice daily and did not notice any huge jump in the oil level.

Any help!!
See a lawyer regarding getting your car out of there - turning up with him may be your best bet but I really have no idea how things work in Sith Africa. I'm guessing the mech will demand payment...

Anyone else?

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