Are you wanting to haul extra air through the aircon condensor+intercooler+radiator or do you want to bypass these and introduce extra air behind the radiator separate to that drawn through by the fans?
Option 1: Increase air flow through the front
Grab hold of a Ford thermo fan (I think it's from a AU falcon like
this one). Hook up a relay to the battery (fused of course) with a switch inside and control them as you need. Warning: the fans linked to are very efficient and will lower the coolant temps, perhaps enough to bring the thermostat back on or at least confuse the hell out of the ECU. Note that dropping the coolant temp below 85C will also cause the glow plugs to light again. On a really hot day this will help the engine+aircon but it will cause havoc any other time.
Option 2: bringing in separate air around the radiator.
You wouldn't want to do this to cool the turbocharger - that's watercooled already. Trying to pressurise the engine bay can reduce the effectiveness of the radiator, but directing cool air onto the firewall and the transmission tunnel might be of significant benefit in the cabin because they're two places that the air con just doesn't seem to compensate for. How to do it? The only avenue with a bullbar fitted is either through a bonnet scoop or by installing ducting in where the winch would sit and running that ducting into the engine bay and where you want it. Any ducting below the bullbar line would reduce your approach angle. Be aware that bugs, dirt and large amounts of water will be picked up by this so the piping should not be that thin flexible stuff they use for air conditioning in buildings, not that plastic stuff they use for portable air conditioners. The aluminium tubing used for range hood ducting might be worth trying though and comes in
125mm and
150mm - I've got some 100mm here so that's also available.
If you have a winch ... I don't know where you'll get the air from. Customise the steel bar to put intake ducts where the fog lights go in an ARB bar? What about converting a strip intake (taking advantage of the slot above the winch mount and below the driving light mount) to a 100mm duct?