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Today we restored original ECU maps and get rid of few additional ponies, but issue remains - actually, now I get P0235 and engine goes into limp mode even earlier, right after 2 bars of additional boost (previously it was at around 2,4 bar).

Symptoms are worse every day. Now it is jerky and I can hear turbo hissing in short intervals, can feel all car shaking when I give it slightly too much gas on even slight uphil.

So I narrowed down to:

- maybe clogged or seized catalytic converter?  Is it easy to reach on V9X engine?

- worse would be stuck turbo vanes, maybe actuator rod or vacuum actuator, but it is pain to get turbo out on these engines.

- even worse would be one or more innectors.

I am writing all thoughts here to maybe get some ideas, or to help others. It is a bit boresome talking to myself, but it helps me keeping focus. :)
