Government will not ban Bullbars

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Oct 15, 2008
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Canberra have pity !!!!!
from the ministers site
Government Will Not Ban Bull Bars

Government Will Not Ban Bull Bars

The Parliamentary Secretary for Infrastructure and Transport, Catherine King, today stated that recent claims in the media and by interest groups that the Government was intending to ban bull bars were totally incorrect.

“Let’s be clear about this, the Government will not ban bull bars,” Ms King said.

“The Government recognises that bull bars play a positive role in road safety, including in animal strikes.”

On 13 January 2011, the Department of Infrastructure and Transport issued a draft Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) proposing the adoption of an internationally agreed standard to improve pedestrian safety by making the front of vehicles more energy absorbing. The proposal would save up to 65 lives and 3,000 serious injuries over fifteen years.

The proposal would be phased in from 2013 to 2019 and apply only to new vehicles. It will not affect vehicles in use today.

Because some bull bars could stiffen the front of vehicles and significantly undercut the gains from applying the pedestrian safety standards, the Department’s proposal also includes proposed standards for bull bars:

* For vehicles not designed for off-road use, such as passenger cars, a standard similar to that required in Europe and in the pedestrian safety standard itself; and
* For vehicles designed for off-road use, such as most four wheel drive vehicles, the standard proposed is an Australian standard designed and developed with industry involvement and would allow for metal bull bars to be used.

“Far from banning bull bars, the Department’s proposal recognises the safety benefits from bull bars and proposes standards for bull bars, so that they also contribute to our pedestrian safety objective. I’m sure the bull bar industry and vehicle owners share that objective.”
Restricting bull bars to vehicles not designed for off road use?

Where does that leave trucks and buses that run on country roads?
Many will be pleased to learn that the proposed Bullbar legislation has been canned.........Media Release below. Further, it will probably come as no surprise to some that the 4WD ACTION magazine people are claiming credit for this.......yawn!

The Hon Catherine King MP
Parliamentary Secretary for Infrastructure and Transport

The Australian Coat of Arms
24 February 2011
Pedestrian Safety and Bull Bars

The Parliamentary Secretary for Infrastructure and Transport, Catherine King, restated again that the Government will not be banning bull bars.

"Over recent weeks I have received strong feedback through the consultation process associated with the Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) proposing the adoption of an international standard on pedestrian safety," Ms King said.

"Following careful consideration of the views and concerns put by individuals and stakeholders, I have decided that the proposal is not suitable for Australian conditions and I have directed the Department to withdraw the Regulation Impact Statement," Ms King said.

"While the Government is committed to improving the safety of pedestrians, we also recognise that bull bars play a positive role in the safety of vehicle occupants.

"In no circumstances will the Government consider banning bull bars or contemplate any lessening of the protection they provide. We are committed to ensuring that people remain fully protected in animal strikes and other hazardous situations where bull bars play a key role," Ms King said.

Ms King has now asked Department to consult with interested parties on the options for improving pedestrian safety.

Media Contacts
Peter Dwyer ( King's Office ) 0409 866 054

URL: Pedestrian Safety and Bull Bars
The goverment should ban simple people as found on Yota monthly from reproducing.

I reckon Roothy's 60 HJ and FJ40's should be banned after all the dodgy jobs they have done on them.

Its got me !@#$ed how Milo gets passed every year.
It would be interesting to know if the emails (20,000 or so) from 4WD action contributed to the withdrawal of the RIS or not (ie does this kind of approach for policy issues work) or was it mainly influenced by motoring bodies, RAA, RACQ etc and manufacturers (OEM and aftemaket). 4WD action claiming credit for it is a bit of a long bow I think, could be wrong though. If you actually read what they were suggesting you send in to the minister and then read the RIS, you would look like a bit of an idiot if you did actually send it in.

PS Dave, can you post some links to your favourite "ZD30 VS The World" 4WD Action forum posts? They make me p!ss myself, you really get under their skin!
i got this emailed to me today, i did do the questionnaire about banning bull bars and this is some type of reply hmmm,

Thank you for your email about reports that the Government was planning to ban bull bars.

These reports are not correct.

Thank you for raising this matter.

Yours sincerely



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Good to see people protest when something is wrong but seriously I don't think any one stood up and got their own way. 20 years this debate has been going and neither Liberal or Labour have had the guts to bring it in. More times than not it's just been a media beat up that hasn't even made it to the steps of parliament. But nothing will change 12 months down the track or at very worst next time there is a change in government certain media groups and sections of the retail sector we'll go through it all again.
There focused on bring the carbon tax in at the moment.

I hope that shit idea doesn't get in.

Australia is already a dear enough place to live.

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