Frustrating!! Black smoke - SOLVED

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Nov 12, 2012
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Hi everyone,

I recently purchased a D40 2.5 6speed 2008 Navara STX. From the start i have had problems.

1st issue- I immediately noticed that it seemed very easy to stall for a diesel. Sometimes when it is stalled hard (4x4 in beach stand and it bogs down to a stall) it won’t restart straight away. You turn the ignition on; it comes up to idle revs and stalls again. It does this about 3 times and comes good.

2nd issue- Limp home mode has been activated once. It was when i was going up a hill. I didn’t have enough power to get up the hill and had to turn around in heavy traffic with it stalling all the time. Very dangerous.

3rd issue- Blows a tone of black smoke under power. In second, third and forth it blows thick black smoke at about 3k revs. It is enough to cover a car completely.

4th issue- When it’s blowing smoke there is loss of power.

I have been in touch with the dealer who sold it to me (purchased a third party extended warranty at the time- back by a bank) and this is what’s happened so far.

- Dealer took the car back, had it for 3 days. On the second day they called me and asked me a lot of questions about when i noticed the issues... sounded like they were attempting to get out of any responsibility for it... like they had found a major problem. On the third day i was told it was all sorted. I asked for a report, no report was available.

- The dealer (toyota) stated they sent it to a nissan dealer to diagnose and there was no fault codes recorded. Apparently they reset the fuel :shotgun: i had already done.

Since then the smoke has been worse and thicker. No on start up i can smell exhaust fumes (strong) and inside the cabin (aircon) which never use to happen. Now on idle there is a little white smoke coming out of the exhaust.

I paid a lot of money for this vehicle and i just want it sorted. Yesterday i ran the ECU/fuel pump reset and the ECU threw back a 1010 fault code. Reading up this is a communication error code.

Any idea's??

Thanks for reading.
How are you mechanical wise?
I would start at fuel, use a diesel additive, liquid moly- diesel purge, or chem tech etc etc.
Drain the tank, fill with fresh diesel and add the additive, it may run rough on occasion throughout the tank, this can
simply be the crap being removed.

What have you tried yourself? anything
Is your 2.5 stock standard
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Now on idle there is a little white smoke coming out of the exhaust.

White smoke on turbo cars is usually the turbo oil seals......if your turbo is f#$ could be incorrectly (not) boosting and causing excess load on the engine....... this may explain a lack of power. if the ecu is expecting boost it will bump up the fuel, cause more fuel spools turbo faster, makes more boost and gives bulk power..... if its getting bulk fuel without boost it will just overfuel and smash out unburned diesel through the exhaust.

Do you have any monitoring gauges in the car? most useful would be a boost and EGT gauge...
Stock standard as far as i know. Not the fuel i have had this checked. No monitor gauges.

If it was the turbo nissan should have picked this up. Its booked in again for the 3rd of december in perth (as i live in geraldton). Hope they find the problem this time. Before the car blows up...
Is it down on power.

There is a sensor thats common to go on these, some boost sensor.

Tony or Krafty should know the 1.
Welcome to the forum.

Step 1: go to Jaycar (or any similar store) and buy some "electrical contact cleaner". Should set you back about $8-$10.

Step 2: get a 7mm short socket and undo the two screws holding the plug in the back of the air pipe just outside the air filter box.

Step 3: very, very carefully extract the sensor - it's about the size of a box of matches, just about 3-4mm thick. In the thin side that faces the incoming air you should see a slot and inside the slot are the air sensors. Spray these with the contact cleaner and allow the sensor to dry.

Step 4: reinstall, inserting it CAREFULLY.

It's a $400 sensor. It might have failed, it might just have a lot of gunk on it. This sensor CAN trigger limp mode, it WILL affect your vehicle's performance and the air/fuel mix. It will also alter the decisions made by the ECU on how much boost the engine needs (directly affecting power).

Try cleaning it, see how it goes. See if you can borrow one from another D40 and see if that improves things - this should be a warranty thing and if you can prove it's faulty, get them to get a new one.

Afterwards, do the EGR block, get a bluetooth OBD adapter, an Android-based smart phone and Ian Hawkin's Torque application for uber-cool sensor/diagnostic information.
Thanks everyone. Turned out all the injectors needed replacing. Nissan picked up the costs on this one.
Thanks everyone. Turned out all the injectors needed replacing. Nissan picked up the costs on this one.

Im amazed at the solution that actually fixed the problem.
What you were describing to me sounded like an intake pipe sucking closed or something similar strangling the engine for airflow.

Did Nissan say anything about the possibility that the way the car has been running would have caused some damage to the engine already?
Im amazed at the solution that actually fixed the problem.
What you were describing to me sounded like an intake pipe sucking closed or something similar strangling the engine for airflow.

Did Nissan say anything about the possibility that the way the car has been running would have caused some damage to the engine already?

Oh come off it, Lindsay. You KNOW we only get the curly questions here, with the answers straight out of left field! :rofl2:
Thanks everyone. Turned out all the injectors needed replacing. Nissan picked up the costs on this one.

That's a massive win for you mate, those injectors ain't cheap. I have seen them range in price from $650 to $1200 each. Don't know what nissan charge for them. Good to see you got a result.

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