Front Differential Blown - HELP

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Mar 4, 2012
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This weekend I was 4wding on an incline in 4wd low when all of a sudden bang! no drive on the front wheels. Got out and found that the differential ( i presume) had smashed. Left hand side. It has snapped off just in the entry to the differential,

Could anyone give me tips/ideas as to whether it actually is the differential or not.

The CV joint is fine and the only issue is that it has snapped off just inside the diff. The problem I had was that i was still able to drive with the rear wheels however the cv joint continues to spin as im driving. We tried to disconnect this and to no avail as we wernt savy enough to know what we were doing. We were unable to turn it back into a 3 wheel drive and remove the cv joint back to the wheel base. At this stage driving the whole part spins and ive got the vehicle home slowly to limit the amount of wear on the diff entry section. it appears to be fine after we got home when i reinspected.

What is my next step. I am still under warranty. Car 12 months old. 2011 D40.
Would Nissan cover this. Also if not does it sound like it is the differential itself that needs replacing or would it be the part going into the differential aswell.

Any advice on this would be great as i am not "vehicle parts savy"

Thanks for your time
Don't expect to get it under warranty. No manufacturer would warrant against such things.
Thanks for your reply.

Yeah i thought to myself that there was no way it would ever go under warranty. Why im pissed though is that it was only a mild dirt track. Nothing major.
Yeah I think Woody said something similar...along with the lines about how companies wont warrant a 4wd once it's off the bitumen etc. But at the end of the day there is bugger all you can do about it. Just wait till the D22 drivers get on here and tell you you should have brought a D22 because they are so much tougher :big_smile:
The suprising thing i found though. Is my mate that was with us at the time has a D22 and had broken the front diff twice.

Do you think it would be best to take it back to nissan for them to inspect first or would i be better off getting a second opinion. ARB? Differential Mechanic?
D22's don't break :sarcastic:

You could ask Nissan but as Woody found out they aren't too keen. Woody did manage to get a second hand diff and I'm sure he got Nissan to do the repairs but if Nissan were left to their own devices they wouldn't have chosen the second hand diff option they'd just go with a brand new one and change the customer accordingly.
I just think Nissan mean you can park your"4WD" any where "OFFROAD" you want, But the minute you tell them you "drive" it off road it nothing but crickets.... hahaha
Yeah but how many other 4wd's are warranted against use in the bush. If you take them at the words of their advertisements they never show a 4wd in seriously shit it's all gentle mud, rocks and dirt. I'm not saying it's completely right but it's not wrong if taken in the context they advertise it.
wat u have brokin is ur stub axle in ur diff i did this in my d22


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Yeah but how many other 4wd's are warranted against use in the bush. If you take them at the words of their advertisements they never show a 4wd in seriously shit it's all gentle mud, rocks and dirt. I'm not saying it's completely right but it's not wrong if taken in the context they advertise it.

Well im just going to have to get a mazranger!! i saw the add i i will be able to take it on "any challenge' i want ...... even drive it down the steps at a footy stadium and do a handbrake turn....... NOW THATS TUFF!!!
what about a colarado that drove through a puddle and parked on a mole hill thats pretty tuff''
what about a colarado that drove through a puddle and parked on a mole hill thats pretty tuff''

ooooo i forgot about that... mmmmmmmm now i just cant decide they are just too tough i think??????? they might just be too tough for me so i will stick with the meek Navara :redcool:
Well im just going to have to get a mazranger!! i saw the add i i will be able to take it on "any challenge' i want ...... even drive it down the steps at a footy stadium and do a handbrake turn....... NOW THATS TUFF!!!

Nah the Ford goes to Sth Africa (or Sth America) but don't try towing with it because the towbar will fall apart. The Colorado is the popular one that is allowed to drive around stadiums because it's 5 star but those stars are in the eyes of the dazed owners who can slide their white utes through puddles. Mazda haven't worked out what they want to do well yet but I know know on the Boss model if you look quickly you can read the word above the name Boss as "Disturbed" which explains the owner.

But the one thing that is definite is that in all the ads none of them show the vehicles on terrain a 2wd ute couldn't handle. Pat Call and his Coopers show rougher terrain than a ute ad does.

Bottom line, if you want a 4wd the term "offroad" doesn't mean trekking through Angola like that absolutely legendary hero Ron Moon does.
man this is all too much........ so i will need to buy one of each, that way i can drive through puddles and over pebbles then if i really feel tough i can do a handbrakey while i drive around the stadium car park...... i just wish my Nissan could do some of those things because it would save me heaps of cash.

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