Front diff

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Climbing a gully haha making me own track. only rear wheel drive. So need another diff
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Should upgrade to a D22, on the uptake maybe a op to upgrade the front diff.
Well from wat i have heard there really weak.. Also heard there a strong diff made out of steel from the states but ya have to change few thing which over my head an $$$. Patrol diff would fit straight in?? Or stil have to change stuff around. Nissan goin to look at it hopefully a warranty job but dnt like my chances..
The front diff is a smallish open diff, that's true, and it really won't put up with a lot of punishment - but then neither will the axles or CVs.

Most of the damage is caused by a spinning wheel coming into firm contact with the ground and stopping - the kinetic energy of the rotating wheel transfers inwards, and if you duck underneath and have a gander at the drive shaft you'll see that it's certainly NOT a weak point!

The remedy isn't necessarily a bigger diff or a drive train replacement. You can just put a locker in - you'll lift a wheel, but it won't spin like mad and then cause grief as it comes back down. Instead, you'll turn your Navara into something like a tank - capable of crawling up hills that without the locker you'd either floor it and hope for the best or not bother attempting.

There are three types of locker that I am aware of. Auto locker - a reasonable choice, nothing attached to tear off in the scrub but it could lock on any slippery surface (and maybe that's not a bad thing). Manual lockers come in air and electric - either could suffer from having their control mechanism torn. Neither will activate without you wanting them to, and both could be forgotten in the haste to catch up to the guys in front who are hammering it (and risking it!).

Personally, if I couldn't afford to drop the Titan drive train underneath, I'd go e-lockers.
I nearly went the the titan way but it was gunna cost between 5-6 grand I can sas my front end for just under 5 grand and have all the parts locally if something breaks, but like old tone say's a locker would be the cheapest way to stop the spider's from breaking and exploding the casing.
Nissan will just laugh when you ask for warranty. Save time now and order another diff and get it locked.

Sane thing happened to me :(
Well they seem pretty negotiable about it.. Just have to take me car there an see wat happens.. Yea i have rang rocky for 2nd hand diff an they will get back to me.. Also i have price the air lockers at arb $2500 for the front.. Than some one at wrk told me it will cus more strain on my front diff an to put it at the back. Than it really confused me.. But ill stick to wat i read an put something on the front. Any one know where to get cheap air lokkas or something where i dnt have to get out of the car haha.. Yes the titan diff is the one i heard about u get from the states more $$.
You don't have to get out of the car to activate a locker.... If you want one that is just "there" get a 4wd systems lokka. If you want to be able to turn it on and off with the flick of a switch get either an e-locker or air locker. E-locker probably has less to go wrong and if you haven't got a compressor you don't need one to run the diff locks. Air lockers obviously need a compressor to run them, and then you have more parts that can fail...

Lokka is the cheapest and easiest option, although you can't turn it off like you can with the other ones...
I have the compressor.. Dnt really need another. I have ask tjm for lockers but they have nothing for d40 in that area.. So who does the e lockers??
Nissan will just laugh when you ask for warranty. Save time now and order another diff and get it locked.

Sane thing happened to me :(

Nissan replaced my front diff under warranty, no probs. Snapped the main pinion shaft clean in half.
everything except the 33's mate, lift bar work bashplates the lot and all show plenty of signs of off road abuse,,, i meant use. lol

If you havent taken it in yet and you can borrow some stockers, it wont hurt.
Hmm was thinking that.. But have to find someone in mackay.. Haha would look werid if i threw steelies on there haha. Its been for a service wit the 33"s on there for while. So it would look half sas or i just play dum
my dealer has seen my car since i bought it from them and they didnt even comment on the wheels, its more for nissan because they told me once before that they have to take photos of the damage and the car itself even if like in my case it was a steering wheel prob they still took pics of the outside?? apparently they want to see general condition of the car??

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