It's not a problem that I've experienced, but at a guess I'd say the gearbox may have gotten a little hot. This thins the oil, and if the TCC disengages it will slip a lot more.
Find an automatic transmission specialist. Not a backyard 1-2 guy operation. Look for someone with 5-6 workers minimum. Have the guy hook up his diagnostic tool and take the car for a drive. He'll be able to tell you if the gearbox is performing normally.
Also, you might consider having an external transmission cooler fitted. I had one fitted early on - I now have two - and never have any problems with power delivery. I've had issues with vibration (worn TCC) and a total bodge job by the mechanic from a small shop that completely rooted my gearbox so I had to buy another, but she's never gotten too hot.
I am quite particular about keeping my coolant temp below 105C, even though (unlike the original) my transmission cooler is no longer in the radiator core. Keeping my engine coolant temp down means I'm not loading the drive train too much and the gearbox stays at a nice temp and never gives me trouble.
Engine: 327,000km. Towing: about 150,000km.