D40 touchy throttle

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Feb 22, 2011
Reaction score
Gday everyone, just throwing this one out there as I find the throttle too touchy particularly in LO range, its very hard to apply smoothly and maintain traction.
I understand it is a TPS unit attached to the peddle but is there any ingenious fixes like pulling the unit apart and fitting a heavier spring.

Thanks in advance for any replies.

Welcome to the forum, Glen!

First - if you want me to change your user name so that it's not your real name, let me know and I'll get it done.

Second, I don't find my pedal too sensitive at all, if anything it's the reverse - but I do drive an auto. Even in 4LO it's been well-behaved, but most of my 4LO travelling has been in water crossings and not rock-hopping, which I tend to do in 4HI.

I've not heard of anyone doing such a modification but I suppose adding a spring to it should be possible.
Welcome to the forum Glen,
I have just installed a NO-LIMIT chip to my D40, and i am currently running it on the highest setting available.

Anyway over the weekends trip to Abercrombie National park i noticed the throttle is way more
touchy then ever before as you would expect.

The way i over come this was to jam my right foot up against the kick panel, so when i hit the bumps my foot would NOT get bounced around, and end up stabbing the GO peddle uncontrollably and end up spinning the wheels.

It was a really wet weekend with some tricky hill climbs, but this old method worked like a champ.

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