Limp mode does not make it blow more smoke, it's a fuel cut induced by the ECU to prevent the engine from revving any further (so if anything, limp mode SHOULD induce less smoke). There might be something not quite right with the turbocharger actuator (which could be just vac hoses, or solenoid, or the actuator, or the electrical contacts to the solenoid).
If the MAFS is considered good then it's either turbocharger or possibly fuel rail pressure sensor. The sensor - if it reads low - will make the car perform differently.
Because it is significantly lacking power I'm thinking turbo-related. If you can get the engine running, check the little arm under the actuator for movement. No movement = issues.
The fact that it's blowing diesel out the back is a worry, and still may be turbo-related but there are other possibilities. There's a chance that your engine is stuck in a regen cycle, trying to feed diesel out to the DPF during the exhaust strokes. There's also a chance that it's a dribbling injector. Either of these problems could cost $ to diagnose and fix. Checking the turbo is free - do that first!