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Hey fellow Navara-ers!!.. Long time lurker, first time poster here, but I'll get straight to the nitty gritty..

Not too long ago I picked myself up a 1994 D21 Navara TD27.. When I purchased it, it had a bit of a noisy gearbox which I thought was clutch.. Over the space of a week, the dodgy "clutch" issue turned in to me losing gears 1-4 and only left with 5th and a grinding/whining reverse.. I discovered this after going through all gears just fine, sitting in 5th on the highway at 100km for roughly 10km then downshifting to take a roundabout to find I had nothing..

Time to pull the box and transfer case out.. I did this with no problems (removal wise) and fitted a new clutch and pressure plate.. The old one looked semi ok, but changed for a new one all the same.. Spigot and throwout bearings were done at the same time.. I knew the box had a small oil leak from the front of the bellhousing so I removed the cover the change the input shaft oil seal and found that the bearing was toast and the input shaft was semi chewed out on it's gear..

 Instead of mucking around with rebuilding the old box (time and money), I sourced a replacement from a wrecker.. I pulled the gearbox and transfer case out of a 89 Pathfinder with a Z24(?) and changed the bellhousings over (which is something I noted was required).. The gearbox out of this car was known good as I drove the Pathy to where I pulled the box out..

Anyway, I have since got it all back in today but have the dilemma of having no gears at all.. Engine running I can change through every gear with the clutch pedal in or out.. It doesn't make a difference and the Nav just does not move.. I can have it sitting in gear (any gear), clutch out and it feels like neutral.. The clutch pedal has a good feel to it and the fork is moving..

I'm stuffed as to what I should look at next though.. Box and clutch setup replaced but no change (infact worse).. What am I missing??.. Would there be anything I have done that is making the clutch not engage properly??..

Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated!!.. Thanks in advance..
