Custom Snorkel- Side indicator NSW LAW

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May 9, 2012
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Hey guys

Tomorrow Ive got the scary job of putting drill to panel- point of no return.
I'm building a 3.5inch stainless system- got the custom box fitted and all the fittings i need however before i cut the whole i need to know how much of side blinker i can cover..
The indicator won't be covered, approximately 1/3 of the top will be semi-covered by the curvature of the stainless tube- Side view.
You can still see the blinker from the side (2/3rd) and when illuminated its still clearly visible.
Any higher and the tube will be above the bonnet (viewing from the side), any lower and there is less blinker... small room for error.

Are there any rule in NSW regarding semi-obstructed side indicators- as i don't want to cut a second hole- and stuff the appearance of the panel.

Cheers Matt

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