Changing seats.

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Nov 13, 2012
Reaction score
Gold Coast,Aust.
Evening all .

Has anyone changed their seats in the D40 to something better.
I'm rather light and seem to sit on them rather than "in " them.

If I went four wheel driving in them i'd be rolling all over the place.

If you have what did you put in in place of the oldies.


A few Question before I we can help.

1: Do you air bags build in? If so your cant change them.
2: What are you after?and
3: How much work are you willing to do get them fitted & engineered
Phew....lots of q's but will do my best.

1:no air bags I don't think (2007 STX???)
2:something more comfortable that possibly wraps around you and holds you in a bit better.
3:Sounds like it is a pain in the ass..not too much at this stage now then.
Most of the 4wd shops do aftermarket seats. Yeah its pain in the ass & not cheap easier just to but on heaps of weight. LOL
I was discussing this subject with a mate who sells Recaro seats and also Paratus seats. He was saying that it would cost around 5 to 6 grand (depending on seat model) to install a set of decent pews in the Nav. That's seats, bases, compliancing costs. I put that in the "too expensive" basket.

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