Another newbie

Nissan Navara Forum

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Aug 26, 2012
Reaction score
Townsville, North Queensland
G'day all from Townsville,
I just met KraftyPg in the D40 threads... :)

Just a quick intro...I'm a female new member to the forum, been driving a Nissan Patrol GU3 wagon for the last few years...and hence I am a member of the 4x4 Patrol forum.

Hubby needed an upgrade from his '95 Triton dual cab and for the last several weeks we have been sounding out forums and test driving all sorts of 4x4 dual cabs to narrow down our pick..
Turns out we have narrowed in again on a Nissan, and we will be taking delivery of an brand new Navara D40 ST this coming Wednesday. Quite excited, as we have never purchased new!!

We also have motorbikes and are planning a trip up to Cape York around July/Aug next year... Most likely take the Navara as a support vehicle with a camper in tow - especially if hubby rides his KTM.. The ute is handy for any bike breakdowns etc..

Okay, well you might see my odd post around the place...
I love the forums, always really invaluable advice from great folk!!

Cheers! Muddy...
Welcome aboard. Its a great mix, bikes camping and 4bies.
Enjoy the new ride.

Oh and sorry you had to meet Krafty so soon, but you cant help bad luck hey!!:eviltongue:
nathan nathan nathan, stop dribbling just because there is a woman present. Get a hold of yourself...on second thoughts don't do that just compose yourself better!

Welcome again muddy!

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