Air bag light

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Nov 22, 2009
Reaction score
Sydney NSW AUS
2005d22 zd30

Hey guys after disconnecting cleaning and re sealing the ECU, and putting back together. The air bag light now slowly flashes... How do I fix this...?
ahh the joys of water damage, when i sunk my D22 they said you can fix it but once water gets into all the electrics you can be plagued with problems off and on for ever.

if i were in your shoes i would seriously look into grabbing another ECU
Thanks guys. Not sure bout separate comp. but only happened once I re plugged the ecu in.
Would Nissan charge heaps..?
The airbag system has its own control module, mounted under the centre console. Nissan should charge about $40NZ to check and clear codes
If you have the airbag light blinking here is how to reset it:

1. Turn the key from off to on.

2. Watch the airbag light closely. It will stay on for a few secs. and then as soon as it blinks off (the start of the flashing), turn the key off instantly.

3. Count to 5 (1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi . . . .)

4. Repeat steps 1-3 two more times until you have done the cycle three times.

5. Now turn the key on and watch the light. It will start blinking in a different, slower manner. This is diagnostic mode. You can watch this for a little while, no hurry.

6. Now turn the key off again, Count to 5 like in step 3 again, and turn back on. If the procedure worked, the airbag light will not be flashing.

If it does not work the first time, just repeat the steps again.

Try this
I've tried this step honestly like 20+ times... Maybe I damaged the electrical s when I got submerged... Where is the airbag computer...?
Also do I turn key back to accessories or completely off when doing this..?
I've tried both and doesn't work :(
I just had a look on ebay and you can get a second hand ECU from $100 - $150 and for that sort of coin i would just grab one especially considering yours has had a swim.