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  1. Billy54

    D40 YD25 Limp Mode

    Fuel sludge. The best way to stop it happening is to add a product called 'Fuel Doctor' to your tank [approx 100mil before filling] lots of people on this form know about it and swear by it. Breaks down the sludge to small particals to pass through the system, also excellent on a long run to get...
  2. Billy54


    Welcome to the forum, start chating and you will go from Lurking to Learning on the Nissan journey.
  3. Billy54

    Having Another Break

    It looks like you parked in the Esplanard in Bellerive, we have a good friend who lives there and we stayed two nights.
  4. Billy54

    Having Another Break

    Glad to hear you had a great time. Tassie is wonderful. Wife and I did it a few years ago just before covid with friends. We hired a land cruiser for 4 weeks and did AirB&B or cabins, worth every penny. I had been around Tassie about 30 years before and what an improvement. You forgot to mention...
  5. Billy54

    Safe driving

    I wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season. Enjoy time with your family where ever you are and drive safe Navara brothers and sisters.
  6. Billy54

    New D22 YD25 owner in West Australia

    Welcome mate, Don't worry too much about that strange 'Feeling like an Adult' stuff, it will wear off as you get older. Plenty of wise heads in this forum will guide you and your truck into the future. [They say wisdom comes with age......I don't know......i check the letterbox every day] I use...
  7. Billy54

    D22 yd25 hunting

    I use Fuel Doctor additive in every tank, got rid of the hunting. cleans everything from tank to tailpipe with better milage on a long trip.
  8. Billy54

    Petrol in fuel tank

    Do not start or drive your truck, get it towed to the mechanics and he will flush the tank.
  9. Billy54

    Undoing electrical plugs.

    'The older we get, the more brittle we become' There is your answer. As you get older getting anything IN or OUT becomes harder;)
  10. Billy54

    Bull bars / Bumpers. What do you guys have?.

    Plastic smart Bar. light weight[no need to beef front suspension] strong, flexible, mounting points for driving lights and arials,looks good. One draw back- no winch mounting. but i knew that before i had it fitted. I'm really happy with it. Had a couple of Roos try to break it but came off...
  11. Billy54

    Comment by 'Billy54' in item 'Delta's Navi'

    Nice Rig.
  12. Billy54

    Fuel additive

    I like to keep a stock in the cupboard
  13. Billy54

    Odometer pause

    No, just a simple guy that sees a fellow human being and gives a hand, geater people on this forum helping any and everyone that asks. Remember.....Be kind to an older person, because one day you will wake up and you is one !
  14. Billy54

    Odometer pause

    One of the reasons that there is a housing rental shortage is that people are changing their long term rentals to AirB&B. More money to be made, but now people dont have the money to go on holidays. The world is going backwards, you and i can see it, people in the pub seem to know how to fix it...
  15. Billy54

    Fuel pre-filter. Necessary?

    I was told it could affect the pressure of the fuel delivery. if you are worried about contaminated fuel. start using Fuel doctor.
  16. Billy54

    Favourite Upgrades?

    Bilstein's all round, Heavy duty leaf springs with air bags. Smart bar on the front with driving lights, fogs and no winch. Yokohama Tyres rotated front to back every 5k with oil change [tradie truck, gear in the back with ladders on top] I get a good wear on the tyres.
  17. Billy54

    Upgrade the original halogen driving lights to LED what could be simpler

    I got a lift into Newcastle yesterday in my mates new BYD EV. Smooth ride, quiet but i dont like the big computer screen sitting up in the middle of the dashboard with a small screen in front of the steering wheel. One thing i noticed coming home on the link road [expressway] at night were the...
  18. Billy54

    Second battery

    My agm is in a battery box that i put in the back canopy [when going camping] of my 2011 d40. no room under the bonnet and only semi retired so no room while all the work gear is in there. Ready to go, plug and play.
  19. Billy54

    Upgrade the original halogen driving lights to LED what could be simpler

    I was speaking to someone a while ago and they said they got rid of their [stop/start] car because the battery and starter had to be replaced just after the warranty expired...big bucks.
  20. Billy54

    Advice Needed

    I even add a tiny drop in the unleaded fuel for the lawnmower, runs smooth and cuts the grass better.