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  1. username_unavailabe

    P0089 and P2293 and engine shutdown at full throttle at high rpm

    Hey everyone, I have an Infiniti FX30d (3.0 V6 diesel, V9X engine) with 200,000 km on the original timing chain. Lately, I’ve been experiencing a sudden engine shutdown under full acceleration, but I can restart the car immediately. No limp mode, just a check engine light. What Happened? A few...
  2. username_unavailabe


    Can I ask what your fuel economy is at a fixed speed, set up through cruise control on a flat road? Lets say you went a consistent 100km/h with no incline or decline on the road. Do you know what the fuel economy is at that time? If you know it at any specific speed, I can test it in a couple...
  3. username_unavailabe

    V9X - Resolved P0401 but P0488 Persists After EGR Clean

    The springs are only there to return the pin back to the furthest position from the sensor. There is no magnetic resistance, so something needs to push the pin back out. If you do not have access to a connector, maybe you can try to do the solder trick I used to test mine?
  4. username_unavailabe

    V9X - Resolved P0401 but P0488 Persists After EGR Clean

    Hi. I’ve started digging into the sensor, but the investigation isn’t complete yet. Here’s what I’ve found so far: This is what the pin looks like without the metal cover: The pin has two magnets attached to it, one on each side. The sensor likely measures the magnetic field to determine...
  5. username_unavailabe

    V9X - Resolved P0401 but P0488 Persists After EGR Clean

    The part that drives the switch is exactly what I had to cut off to reach the electronics. I’ve circled it in green in the image, and the point where it makes contact is highlighted in blue. It’s definitely not just an on-off switch. It must be something that continuously changes the value...
  6. username_unavailabe

    V9X - Resolved P0401 but P0488 Persists After EGR Clean

    Hi Ian, Unfortunately, I no longer have access to an oscilloscope, so I can't check the exact signal the sensor is producing. However, I’m 99% sure that the three bottom pins are for the sensor. One will be ground, another for power, and the last one for the sensor signal, though I’m not...
  7. username_unavailabe

    V9X - Resolved P0401 but P0488 Persists After EGR Clean

    Hello everyone, Update time! I recently took apart the EGR, and here’s what I found. First up was the valve, which seemed fine at first glance, though it required a surprising amount of force to open — we’re talking both thumbs and a good grip here! I wasn’t too concerned, so I moved on to...
  8. username_unavailabe

    V9X Timing chain how to check

    Hi everyone, My car has just over 190,000 km on the odometer, and I’m wondering if it’s time to check the timing chain. My mechanic recommended replacing it at 200,000 km without performing any checks, but since replacing it requires pulling the engine and is quite expensive, I’d prefer to...
  9. username_unavailabe


    Hi. In my experience (Infiniti FX30d - also a V9X, similar weight) getting anything under 12l/100km (8.3km on a liter) in the city with traffic is impossible for me, as I refuse to hold up traffic by being too gentle on the throttle. I do not push it to the floor by any means, I am still trying...
  10. username_unavailabe

    V9X - Resolved P0401 but P0488 Persists After EGR Clean

    Hi! I am sorry for the late reply. I still have the faulty one, so I will open it up and take some pics for you in the next 24h. I hope I am not too late.
  11. username_unavailabe

    V9X - Resolved P0401 but P0488 Persists After EGR Clean

    Hello everyone, Just a quick update on my end. I successfully installed the new EGR and ran a 2-hour test drive after a reset. Good news: no fault codes in sight, so it seems like the issue is officially resolved. Thank you for all the helpful insights. Before reconnecting the hoses, I made sure...
  12. username_unavailabe

    V9X - Resolved P0401 but P0488 Persists After EGR Clean

    Appreciate the insight on the new valve. Did swapping it out take care of the P0488 issue for you? Also, I'm curious, how were you able to determine that the stepper motor was the problem? My OBDII setup is pretty basic and doesn't show EGR position in real-time, so I'm trying to figure out the...
  13. username_unavailabe

    V9X - Resolved P0401 but P0488 Persists After EGR Clean

    Hey everyone, Peter here. I’ve run into a specific issue and could really use your expertise. Recently, my car's (V9X engine) dashboard lit up with a check engine light. A quick OBDII scan revealed two codes: P0488 (EGR system, throttle position control - range/performance problem) and P0401...
  14. username_unavailabe


    Hey Navara community, My name is Peter! Just a heads-up, I don't have a Navara parked in my driveway, but I'm hoping to tap into this community's wealth of knowledge. I drive an Infiniti FX30d which is powered by the v9x - the same one used in some of your trucks. Here's the deal - my ride's...