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Nissan Navara Forum

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  1. Billy54

    Safe driving

    I wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season. Enjoy time with your family where ever you are and drive safe Navara brothers and sisters.
  2. Billy54

    Thinking of Replacing the battery

    Hi guys, i read an old post by Tony about the Century ultra high performance battery and was wondering what fits a 2011 D40. The one i have in now is a repco and is a few years down the track, slow crank in the cold.
  3. Billy54

    Fuel rail

    Hi Guys, I have had my 2011 D40 at the mechanics for a week with a limp mode issue. He said he finally found the problem. Replacing the fuel rail. Has anyone had this issue? I will find out more next week when i go to pick it up. Is there something mechanical in the fuel rail where the sensor is?.
  4. Billy54

    Yokohama Geolandar A/T tyres

    Hi guys, Just replaced my Yoko's with another set of [4] tyres on D40 with the same [265/70r16] As a tradie with canopy on the back and ladders I have beefed up the suspension and the original tyres only lasted a few years as did the next set. But got these Yoko's in 2016 and they have given me...
  5. Billy54

    noisy rear springs

    Hi gang, I had all new suspension done on my 2011 D40 as soon as i got it because of the weight i was going to carry with the new service canopy on the back [Aluminium] I have developed a terrible noise from underneath. took it to the mechanics as i could not find it. He said it is the rear...
  6. Billy54

    Air Vent ? Am I missing a cover at the back

    I have a 2011 Nissan d40 ST. I had the tub removed at the dealers as I was having a work canopy fitted to the back. I have recently noticed that the air vent behind the backseat of the dual cab has only thin rubber on it and would allow water to get in from the outside. Should I have some...
  7. Billy54

    New Battery not holding charge

    Hi Guys, Just wondering if anyone else has had this problem.I have been driving my brand new nissan navara d40 plated 01/11 for 2 weeks now and all of a sudden the truck wouldnt start yesterday am. No doors or lights had been left open or on ??? Nissan/ nrma service came out and jump started the...
  8. Billy54

    Airconditioning not very cold

    Hi Guys, As you may have already read from my other posts I have just brought a brand new Nissan navara 2.5 turbo 4x4 ST 2011 plated with a diesel engine.But before I take it back for the first service thought I would get an idea from anyone who has one as to how cold the A/C gets .I was...
  9. Billy54

    My glove box cover is missing

    i am purchasing a new nissan navara st.iwent the other day to have another look at her whilst i am waiting for the modifications to be done and noticed that they had removed the glove box .i was told it was to borrow some part....anyone know what they would have taken out and how can i check if...
  10. Billy54

    What do you think of this ??? brand new towbar?

    Hi Guys, I am still waiting to pick up my new Nissan Navara Dualcab D40 manual diesel engine from the dealer as it is still having modifications done. I have taken some photos of the tow ball and tow bar but now wondering if they have fitted the correct one for this vechile as I wish to tow a...
  11. Billy54

    New Nissan Navara ST OWNER

    Hi , I have joined so that I can learn more about my new 2010 Nissan Navara ST 2.5l diesel manual work truck that I am looking forward to getting in about 1.5 weeks time. Is there anything in particular that I should be aware of when I take delivery of my new truck as I have never had a brand...