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  1. Nevyn


    Have for sale my PlugNGO. It's for a D22 2.5. Comes as new in the box. Was used for twelve months. $290.00 includes postage. PM me if interested.
  2. Nevyn

    Saturday Night do do do...

    Howdy, how are you spending your Saturday night? Me, I'm in hospital post op for a double hernia. The pills have fully kicked in and I'm feeling all warm and fuzzy.
  3. Nevyn

    F1 2015

    Don't know how much longer I can kid myself, F1 died with the V8. These cars have no soul, they sound like motogp bike! This season opener would have to be the most boring race ever!!! The only bright point was the drive from Nasr!!
  4. Nevyn

    Camp Oven

    Just wondering if anyone is using the Hillbilly steel camp oven and how do you rate it. I'm very close to forking out the dollars for one but a tad hesitant. Cheers Brad
  5. Nevyn

    Was it worth it?

    That was the question asked by the lady boss! I went on a night run with some of the guys from my club on Saturday night. We did Possum brush and I have to say I had my doubts as to how good it would be. I had a ball, the tracks while not overly extreme were an adventure in themselves. From dry...
  6. Nevyn

    Formula One 2014

    Bring back the high pitch wail of the V8, please!!!!
  7. Nevyn

    Get a Job

    So the boss wants me to get a real job! For those who don't know me I am a self employed plumber/ gas fitter. I have never had to chase work, I don't advertise apart from the Yellow pages and I don't know what it is like to be "quiet". BUT, we haven't had a decent holiday I'm ten years and my...
  8. Nevyn

    Roosters 2013

    Title says it all!! My team.
  9. Nevyn

    One For Dave I laughed out loud when I saw this!! I freely admit I'm no fan of the lady. Do you think the femme nazi in the story is right though? Personally I don't ! And I'm getting...
  10. Nevyn

    Box trailers

    I'm in the hunt for a box trailer 7x4 with high sides. Going for gal over painted. The price differences from builder to builder is sometimes extreme. Anyway what I was wondering about were the alloy trailers the same size. Anyone here with one? Will be used from everything from camping gear to...
  11. Nevyn

    How much?

    Anyone have an idea how heavy a steel bull bar is. I want to install my winch and need to know if I have to get the bro inlaw up to give me a hand or not. Cheers an beers Brad
  12. Nevyn

    For Dave... And every other bloke here.....

    Couldn't let this one pass...........hope it works!!!!!!!! And I don't get into trouble!!!
  13. Nevyn

    Disgusting Scenes In Canberra

    Just watched the news and can honestly say I'm gobsmacked !! Farrking disgusting! I don't care what people think of our Prime Minister or Mr Abbott but what I witnessed on the news was one of the saddest most disgusting things I've seen since the Cronulla riots! Only it is by far a worse thing...
  14. Nevyn

    R.I.P Marco

    Words fail me, rest in peace Marco Simoncelli.
  15. Nevyn


    Just wanted to put in a good word for ARB! Story: I was the lucky winner of an ARB Speedy Seal Tyre Repair Kit at the National Navara Muster.....wooowho, I never win anything!! When I got home and I was excitedly showing my wife what I won, I opened the kit only to discover it had been used...
  16. Nevyn

    World Champ!

    Well done Casey Stoner. World title No.2. A deserving champion!
  17. Nevyn

    south east qld flood scanner

    I diddn't know where to put this one but I've been listening the last two nights. Got fairly intense last night with a domestic happening. south east qld flood scanner on USTREAM: sth east scanner listening to the emergency services.
  18. Nevyn

    False Mindset???

    Earlier today I bumped into a young fella with a weapon of a Hilux, lifted to the ********* with big Big Horns on it etc. all nicely done except for the extended shackles (but we don't need to go there!). Any way I thought I would have a chat to him about the VSI50 ******** and mentioned to him...
  19. Nevyn

    Happy Birthday Dave!

    Happy Birthday mate. Cheers and b'day beers, Brad
  20. Nevyn

    Staff Notice

    Staff Notice In order to ensure the highest quality of work and productivity from employees, it will be our policy to keep employees well trained through our program of Special High Intensive Training (S.H.I.T). We are trying to give employees more S.H.I.T than anyone else. If you feel you do...