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Nissan Navara Forum

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  1. Old.Tony

    Truck For Sale 2009 D40 STX 2.5L TD Auto

    Regretfully my time with my Nissan Navara has come to an end. I was looking for close to $10K but I'll take $8,500 from a forum member. My faithful Veronica has towed a caravan for half her life, first a 1.8T van then a 2.5T van. She is ready to tow up to 3T legally, with the required breakaway...
  2. Old.Tony

    Having Another Break

    Thought I'd jump in and announce this one. I had a break earlier this year for numerous reasons, but I'm about to have another for 2 months. For those that know me, our little guy is now 15 and has a goal of visiting every state and territory in Australia. We've taken him to all but Tasmania...
  3. Old.Tony

    Bathurst 6 Hour 2023

    Well it's on again, at Easter time as usual ... the Bathurst 6 Hour event which will have a pretty good line up. I've been accepted for a role in pit lane (possibly at the Exit, but we'll see when we get there). The lineup (apart from the GT and touring car classes that make up the 6 Hour race...
  4. Old.Tony

    Unwanted Messages (Spam)

    Just thought I'd write to everyone about this issue, it's been a while since we've had any major outbreaks and I'd like to try and prevent them if possible. Approving a new user whose IP address came up as "questionable but not highly suspect" made me think to write this. If you get a private...
  5. Old.Tony

    Bathurst 12 Hour 2022

    Well it's that time again ... my van's packed, hooked up and we're ready to head to the mountain again, this time for the Bathurst 12 Hour. I will not be available from about 9pm tonight until next Monday - I'm going to bed early, 5am start for a 6 hour drive to the Mt Panorama circuit. Have...
  6. Old.Tony

    Limp Mode After Engine Wash

    A new member @Gary70 has posted about his car entering limp mode after washing the engine. This thread is being created so everyone can see it, as I can't move the thread out of the resource it was posted in so that it can be discussed by everyone. Gary, over to you to give us some more...
  7. Old.Tony

    Handbrake and Battery Light Stays On

    Interesting issue with my car yesterday, and discovered a new possibility for this light combination. Scenario: had to use the horn. Shortly afterwards, the battery warning light and the handbrake light came on. Shutting the car down and restarting it didn't fix it. Alternator started producing...
  8. Old.Tony

    Seasons Greetings

    Seasons Greetings to everyone, wishing you and your families all the best for this festive time. If you're travelling these holidays, please stay safe, and forgive the BMW owners who've run out of indicator lubricant. Let's hope that 2022 is a lot better than the last couple of years!
  9. Old.Tony

    Happy Father's Day 2021

    Just thought I'd drop a quick "Happy Father's Day" to all the dads out there. Hope you have a relaxing day!
  10. Old.Tony

    Heading to the cold places

    I wasn't sure where to put this, because I could put it as a system-wide announcement, but that's a little too "in your face". It's also not about the Nav ... but it is about me not being here for a few days, and why, so here we go. Now that our little guy is a little older, he's starting to...
  11. Old.Tony

    Seasons Greetings 2018

    Merry Christmas everyone, hoping you have a safe, stress-free day and get at least some of what you were hoping for. Here's to a great 2019!
  12. Old.Tony

    Wouldn't Want To Live/Work Here

    How about a place where you wouldn't want to be? I've found one. I wouldn't want to work at Regal Cinemas, Brambleton USA. Click here to find out why. Any others?
  13. Old.Tony

    Happy New Year For 2018

    Hope everyone has a great 2018! Fingers crossed that we can keep the forum off Google's naughty list, I'm still belting away at the spammers who are often banned/deleted before they finish setting up their accounts. Stay safe on the roads, have fun while you're camping (don't forget to put...
  14. Old.Tony

    Your Hottest Day (pics please!)

    I was looking at some of my pics and this one gave me an idea. Put up a pic of your car's ambient temperature display along with the approximate location, date and time it was taken. Don't give away your home address, but let's see the heat! I'll kick it off with this one. I actually missed...
  15. Old.Tony

    Alternator Failure

    Well mine's shat itself again. Not quite the same as the genuine one though ... I had my genuine alternator replaced with a Jaylec 130A alternator some time back and this one has packed it in. Oddly enough, I've always seen a flash of the handbrake+battery light every now and again, and just...
  16. Old.Tony

    Engel Conversion To Digital Thermostat

    Hey guys! My digital thermostat arrive and as promised, I've fitted it and taken some photos and have put together this how-to on what's needed. It's actually a piece of cake to do! The only issue I can see is operation under 240V. I'll have to work on that, but it works perfectly on 12V. Will...
  17. Old.Tony


    Hey guys, For the last several months I've been logging in several times every day (except for when I've not been able to, for instance when I'm working, or at the race track). One of my jobs on the forum is to make sure we don't have any bodgey users join us. Let me define that clearly: a...
  18. Old.Tony

    Latest Phone Scam - Be Careful

    There's a new phone scam and this one's really, really dangerous. You wouldn't think so when you first heard it, or if it happened to you, but when you find out what they're doing with it ... don't worry, toilet paper isn't expensive! Here's the scenario: your phone rings and you answer it (in...
  19. Old.Tony

    Happy Easter 2017

    It's coming up faster than I'd like so I thought I'd get in and wish everyone all the best for the Easter break. I know people go travelling during the break and this one's in the middle of school holidays in NSW so it's likely to be a busy time on the roads. I've got a stint up at Mt Panorama...
  20. Old.Tony

    How hot is too hot?

    I had to do it. Second day in a row where our own weather station told us that it's ridiculously hot. Second day in a row that I've had to go outside and wet the air conditioning plant down to give it a little hand. And the second day in a row I've seen this ... It's not even the hottest part...