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  1. S

    Intercooler upgrade in D40

    Sort of. I was waiting till they upgraded website before chasing. Seems they're not going to so might have to call. Believe they do all their own gear, not Chinese import.
  2. S

    2007 D40 Cruise Control Issues

    Could also be neutral indicator switch on gearbox. Can be a bugger of a job but doable for sure.
  3. S

    Super pro UCA's

    Super Pro are SPC with their own bushes and ball joints. Price was the main factor I n buying SPC. Much cheaper delivered from the States than Super Pro and I know bushes etc are interchangeable.
  4. S

    Squeaking front end

    Wrap tape on the bonnet latch. Fixes mine everytime.
  5. S

    Intercooler upgrade in D40

    Are Northside 4x4 still doing theirs? Contacted them a while ago and they reckoned they were reconfiguring the setup but nothing has changed on website.
  6. S

    Comment by 'steel d40' in item 'Steel D40'

    Pics online mate.
  7. IMG_0234_1_1


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  9. Head


  10. S

    Comment by 'steel d40' in item 'Steel D40'

    See what I can do.
  11. S

    D40 provent 200

    Fitted mine in front of airbox but couldn't use their mount as wouldn't fit. Used metal strap instead and about 40000km later no probs at all.
  12. S

    DBA T2 upgraded brakes?

    120000km + no probs at all.
  13. S

    ARB "beaver plate"

    Made one up out of checker plate. Just because.
  14. S

    Pinion nut size

    Turns out mine was a 32mm. And surprise Nissan appear to have buggered up the part as seal did not include metal retaining ring. Seeing as seal was bonded to ring and nearly impossible to remove without damaging, bloody frustrating. Will post correct part number when confirmed.
  15. S

    D40 front alignment suggestions after SPC uca

    I went with the c posi and my steering felt lighter with a tighter turning circle than before. Go to a susp place that has seen the supa pro arms and they will know what they are looking at. I was talking to some susp place at the Perth 4x4 show who seemed clued up just don't remember which one.
  16. S

    Pinion nut size

    Thanks mate that's perfect. Just what I needed to know. Gotta love this forum.
  17. S

    Pinion nut size

    Good starting point. Thanks guys
  18. S

    Pinion nut size

    Hi All Anybody know the size of the nut on the rear pinion? Trying to line everything up before tackling the pinion oil seal as I don't want any surprises and my sockets are spread between my brothers, parents and my place. Had quick look at manual and couldn't see a mention. Cheers
  19. S

    Turbo pipe upgrade problem

    Had mine on for 20000k now including Nullabor crossing in 40+ heat with heavy trailer on without issue. Pretty sure mine has groove around ends though.
  20. S

    Restored old cedar alvey

    Thing of beauty. Top job mate. Just don't drop it on the rocks whatever you do. Always use a swivel as first piece of tackle in any alvey rig. Let's the line spin and avoids birds nests.