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  1. Dazza63

    4wd light on dash

    Im not sure if they are the same I would expect so but worth a try to look anywhere for info I hope you do get it sorted out soon good luck mate .. Sorry I dont know more.
  2. Dazza63

    4wd light on dash

    I really prefer the old school lever in lever out you know , but all this electrical and vacuum engaging too much stuff to go wrong this is the first high tech machine I have had all the rest have been old school no dramas. Atleast we have to info and help from us all on here so Im sure between...
  3. Dazza63

    Glow Plugs

    I will try the ideas and appreciated again for the info. Its all hearsay I guess but ever since I have owned it I have only run BP ultimate in it none of the cheaper fuel maybe caltex and maybe shell a couple of times only because I needed fuel and no BP near me but I do regular services to keep...
  4. Dazza63

    4wd light on dash

    Nath77 all I know was it was a broken wire somewhere I asked exactly what but they couldnt tell me as they sourced the job out to where I took it sorry. But im guessing you have checked the switches on gear box there are x3 of them I replaced all of them but didnt fix it. They can be expensive...
  5. Dazza63

    4wd light on dash

    Thanks for the tips good idea to get the spares and carry a mongrel you have to but the alternative is worse...
  6. Dazza63

    Glow Plugs

    Done cleaned and still have issue I appreciate the help and ideas put it in the too hard basket it is fine after it eventually starts. Ill keep you updated if things change thanks again for your help.
  7. Dazza63

    4wd light on dash

    Oh ok thanks for clearing that up I was thinking that it must be on constantly when your engaged in 4x4 so thanks so much for the info greatly appreciated downloaded and reading thanks Scott truly appreciate the help .
  8. Dazza63

    Glow Plugs

    Thanks again Ill try that and get back to you many thanks
  9. Dazza63

    Glow Plugs

    No leaks I could see and made no difference to starting but as usual after initial start its fine all day. Thanks again.
  10. Dazza63

    Glow Plugs

    Thanks mate I appreciate it Ill check and let you know....
  11. Dazza63

    4wd light on dash

    I got the 4x4 sorted out but i noticed when I turn key on that an orange 4wd light comes on is this supposed to be on when engaged in 4x4 I think yes but mine doesnt only when you turn ignition on initially again thanks for any help..
  12. Dazza63

    Glow Plugs

    Hi all I have a 2008 Spanish built and usually after glow up she fires first hit everytime. But last few months she hasnt been So I was guessing this is why Im asking you guys could this be the glow plugs need replacing??? After initial start she fires up fine the rest of the day. Any ideas...
  13. Dazza63

    Cruise control not engaging

    I have actually replaced the sensor and the other two on gearbox with genuine brand new switches but it just dont wont to work the cruise Im just about over it but I hate things beating me, I dont particularly want to take it to Nissan as they are legalised extortionist to a point. But no one...
  14. Dazza63

    !2v Socket in tub

    Thank you guys for the info sounds like a weekend job Ill get into it this weekend thanks for all ideas gratefully accepted I appreciate all the help.
  15. Dazza63

    Cruise control not engaging

    thanks Fuzz I tried holding the stick left and right no difference but I might get one and try it thanks. Ill look and see thanks I appreciate it
  16. Dazza63

    Cruise control not engaging

    I have checked all of the above got the 4wd working hi and lo but still no cruise Im just about ready to give up I have had it in to auto elect they checked all plugs and connectors adjusted the switches on pedals still no go frustrating. Had to replace the already new clock spring with genuine...
  17. Dazza63

    !2v Socket in tub

    I want to connect the 12v plug in my tray to the accessories for a dash cam I have mounted in the back on canopy glass at the moment it is powered all the time but I cant find where it is connected to power under bonnet or the dash. Any ideas gratefully received. I am not sure if it is factory...
  18. Dazza63

    Fuel runs back into tank

    Thanks guys Ill check the water sensor as I had not all that long changed the filter so may well be thanks Tony I will check first thing tomorrow .
  19. Dazza63

    Fuel runs back into tank

    No bods I have the type with the pipes coming out the top I have put nes hose clamps replacing factory ones. Just strange it has stared in last few weeks. Always started first hit of the key and away she goes but this is a new issue Ill have to check all fuel lines and hoses then to see if it...
  20. Dazza63

    Fuel runs back into tank

    It wouldn't have anything to do with the suction control valve ???????