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  1. R

    New member

    Hi personally I run I drive and wouldn’t live without it nowadays it is great for for getting the throttle to respond when off-road just the way I want it too I can put on E 2 and ease on out of rocks etc or when on sand put on U9 and get instant power to get wheels turning before it bogs down I...
  2. R

    Wastegate actuator problems

    Hi first off it’s not a waste gate your looking at it’s the variable vane actuator and it’s supposed to bounce up and down at idle don’t fear it’s working fine when it doesn’t move their is normally a problem has anyone actually but a boost gauge on the vehicle and checked to see what’s actually...
  3. R

    Second battery

  4. R

    Upgrade the original halogen driving lights to LED what could be simpler

    I suppose time will tell the story I for one will stick with my diesel I put it in the tank and I like the sound it makes when I put my foot on the go pedal
  5. R

    Second battery

    I’m currently making a mount to put under tub just in front of spare tire behind fuel tank you can purchase them but expensive at $300 plus if that helps
  6. R

    Disc Brake Rotors Run out Sale Repco

    I troll repco site once a week to check out their clearance section that’s how I got my rear springs for $56 each also picked up brake pads last week for $5 a set and all new suspension bushes for under $50 well worth the time if your on a budget and have the patients to look
  7. R

    Upgrade the original halogen driving lights to LED what could be simpler

    Maybe I’m wrong but wouldn’t the batteries be like any other battery and have a limited lifespan surely they are not capable of endless cycles so the car life time would surely outlast the batteries usable lifespan I’m not the smartest tool in the shed but I do know that their is no such thing...
  8. R

    Upgrade the original halogen driving lights to LED what could be simpler

    My daughter has a chr hybrid Toyota the dealer advised her to trade it before it gets to 8 year old mark as battery will need replacement and won’t be worth it to keep the vehicle so that’s the info I’m speaking from she has literally pre ordered a new one now hoping it will be here when hers...
  9. R

    Disc Brake Rotors Run out Sale Repco

    I looked at them when I got my cheap rear springs on clearance from them but figured they may not fit so left them alone when it comes to Thai model I have become a very big sceptic when it comes to any listed d40 part fitting
  10. R

    Upgrade the original halogen driving lights to LED what could be simpler

    I’m trying to talk the wife out of buying a new car with this function for this reason at the moment and honestly she just doesn’t seem to get why I’m against them we keep our vehicles for good 10 years normally so once warranty is out I don’t want major expense it’s same if I get hybrid 5 to 8...
  11. R

    Upgrade the original halogen driving lights to LED what could be simpler

    Thankyou but I won’t be needing them I have given up on the darn nudge bar if anyone wants it free to a good home no mounting brackets obviously I bit the big one and bought a steel bull bar ouch
  12. R

    Turbo trouble

    Glad you sorted it out
  13. R

    Turbo trouble

    Hi I get the frustration I think the solenoid replacement is your best bet the actuator is moving fine you have proved that in vid so it has to be a control issue and that can only be the solenoid itself as you have also proved it with overboost with straight vacume bypassing the solenoid so...
  14. R

    Turbo trouble

    unfortunately it’s the dreaded 4 T syndrome my father always told me, if it has tits, tyres or a turbo = Trouble no offense to our female members and this one really has me baffled sorry I can’t offer anymore advice apart from triple check everything from solenoid operation to actuator to then...
  15. R

    Suspected Head gone, diesel sealant?

    That would make it overheat for sure no sealant in the world was going to fix that
  16. R

    Upgrade the original halogen driving lights to LED what could be simpler

    I did wonder how these stop start modern vehicles as I call them would go with reliability issues when it came to battery’s, starters, it’s a lot of extra wear and tear auto headlights is just another thing to the list of things to prematurely wear out I suppose I never gave them a thought...
  17. R

    Thinking of Replacing the battery

    You are correct Repco branded batteries are indeed made by century batteries im unsure if the Repco branded have the heavy plates in the high performance series like the century does that’s maybe something to ask Repco I have used both had no issues with either I just replaced my repco branded...
  18. R

    Turbo trouble

    It could well be a little bit of plastic in their but if it is capable of pulling 30 psi it’s not bothering it to any extent that’s why I would certainly be checking vacume lines it’s worth a look I for one had similar lack of boost last week after fitting a boost gauge turned out to be a...
  19. R

    Turbo trouble

    So correct me if I’m wrong you broke tee have you repaired it?? I would say you have a vacuum leak or a boost actuator problem not turbo problem if you can get it to pull 30 psi with straight vacume as stated! when you oopsed the tee did you put all lines back In correct position and no leaks as...
  20. R

    Upgrade the original halogen driving lights to LED what could be simpler

    I had a set of HIDs once and they drove me crazy they would take ages to warm up and get consistent lighting levels out of them and they always looked like they where flickering on and off ever so slightly so I removed them and went to leds I been happier with the leds personally just don’t seem...