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  1. Cuda

    Another Cruise control question

    Tony, fitted and works great, thanks for your help. As my grandfather used to say "when all else fails, read the instructions" Cuda.
  2. Cuda

    Another Cruise control question

    Old Tony, got the ******* off. I turned the steering wheel to half lock and could visually see the clip. Going from under I thought that the clip was going to be further up into the steering column. Might be a good suggestion in the future, so that's others don't make the same mistake as me...
  3. Cuda

    Another Cruise control question

    Old Tony, it will not budge. I have tried everything, I can get it to lift off the steering wheel as if it is almost ready to come off, but won't release. I have put pressure (both gentle and hard, rocked the screwdriver, even got the screwdriver into position, lifting the airbag up gave it...
  4. Cuda

    Another Cruise control question

    First Problem: I finally ordered a clock spring from Aust.spares after supplying the VIN number (which I rechecked). They referred me to a part # different from what I expected -25560-JS40A R/H It states 'To suite some Malaysian Models'??? When did Malaysia get into the picture? Whenever I have...
  5. Cuda

    Another Cruise control question

    Tony, did the steering wheel test, and it worked, so it would appear to be the clock spring. Thanks for the advice on the 'R' stamping. I will buy the whole unit (I have old British bikes and whenever I try delicate work it will normally be accompanied by a 'twang' followed by something flying...
  6. Cuda

    Another Cruise control question

    My cruise control stopped working about a year ago and I have decided to fix it. I have been reading about the problem on the forum, but something strange (I think) happened the other day. I was sitting in the truck the other day and hit the cruise control button and the light (in the dash) came...