The EGT Sensor does fail on these models (2012 ST Spanish Built), mine has already failed and been replaced. when it goes, motor thinks its over heating - puts car into limp mode. just got nissan to look into weather mine needs replacing again
very much apples and oranges mate, just in my opinion it would annoy me to go back to something slower. parents have a GU 4 3.0L they are great but performance leaves you wanting more
Well i have had my monster rides shocks on both standard springs with extended shackles and the current EFS 2 inch lift springs and down travel is the same. Have taken the shocks out and uncliped the brake line and ABS line and the springs really only have maybe 1 inch left in them. So to really...
I have been thinking about running longer leaves, extended shackles and modifying the rear tow bar to allow the shackle to travel further back. i think trition shocks are longer and nearly bolt in, aparently they use 16mm bolt, navara is 14mm bolt.
would also look at running inverted shock...
"Mr Plow" is spot on, up in the high country i was expecting to plow into the errosion bank heading down hill haha. Although we are alot better off then a amorok.
I agree with nathan the new ones arent to bad with traction control, their only big let down is clearance (even when lifted) and front over hang with bullbars installed.
The biggest contributing factor to the reason people hate so much on new age CRD engines is that alot of them upgraded from vehicles fitted with 1HZ's, TD42's & so on and the sales rep forgot to tell them that the service intervals cant be when it comes for a rego check.
Yes the YD25 have...
I reckon if you can get the gear shipped cheap (ie diff, CVs and shafts, LCA & UCA) titan swap would be the best of both worlds, there isnt to much difference in wheel track between titan swap and patrol SAS (if you can engineer SAS titan swap should be easier as all standard nissan parts and...
i have always run 36 all round as i also rotate my tyres every 5-10,000 km and tyre wear appears to be fine, offroad usually go for 20 in the front and 22 in the back, and then go up or down from there depending on conditions or weight in the back
with the brown davis plates how does the front bolt to the chassis? the only thing thing that seemed under thought was those thin brakets that bolt where the tow point and bullbar attach to
That is interesting about the bullbar mounting nathan, when i tried to fit them on mine (2012 ST) they wouldn't mount up and local ARB dealer couldnt work out why. Must have given me Pre 2012 ST plates.