Newby needs help with Navara King Cab 2003 4x4 D22

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Sep 4, 2024
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Hi everybody,
I've had this truck for about 12 or 13 years and it's never let me down until now.
I got it when it had done 30,000 miles and it's only done 99,000 now.
I got in it one morning and it refused to start, with no warning signs the day before.
It doesn't make any attempt to fire on any cylinder.
So I checked the fuel line, that was OK, fuel was getting to the pump.
I changed the fuel filter and checked for water.
I changed the Fuel filter holder with the button primer as I'd read somewhere that the membrane inside could rupture.
I changed the Air filter just in case, but it made no difference.
I took the Air intake apart and I spayed in some QuikStart and it burst into life at that point, so I know the engine itself is OK.
I'm thinking it might be a problem with the fuel cut-off solenoid or a transistor burnt out in the circuit of the fuel pump, so I wanted to check that power was getting to the pump first. This where I'm confused..........
I have a test probe with a bulb in it and a lead that will connect to the battery earth pole.
There is a big female socket on the rear end of the pump which I assume is the power supply to it.
I disconnected it, turned on the ignition key to running mode, put the probe in to the top-left connector,
and the probe light started flickering and the was a noise that sounded like a solenoid rapidly operating on and off that didn't appear to be coming from the pump;
It's difficult to describe it but it;s kinda like 'Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr'!
This was not the result I was expecting!
There are 6 connectors inside this plug and 4 of them react the same way (the other 2 didn't do anything)
can anyone tell me whats going on here?
common issues, pump control board failure or interference on the crank sensor (need a scope to check).
weird things, check if the stop lights are working. if not check the fuse. stop lights are an input into ecu and sometimes it won't start if stop lights don't work.
2nd battery install upsetting the sensors (earth to the chassis not the engine).
Thanks for your reply tweak'e.
That is weird, I'll check the stop lights today (and the earthing arrangement)
Thanks dattorob, that's a good point, I'll check that out! The battery is very good.
also forgot to add
  • check earths are tight and not corroded, this can muck up signaling to IP.
  • voltage to glow plug relay
  • glow plug fuse
  • put clear fuel lines before/after fuel primer to check for bubbles
  • earth that is behind the battery was dirty and loose
  • condition of vacuum hoses around swirl etc
Gday, how’s it going just a quick question for ya’s

I’ve got a 03’ D22 and the battery in my key has gone flat, but the key won’t unlock the doors manually, I’m pretty sure the owner before me installed the central locking and added a remote key

Is there any other ways without getting a new key



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Gday, how’s it going just a quick question for ya’s

I’ve got a 03’ D22 and the battery in my key has gone flat, but the key won’t unlock the doors manually, I’m pretty sure the owner before me installed the central locking and added a remote key

Is there any other ways without getting a new key

better to start your own thread instead of hijacking someone else's.