Hey, unsure if this will be any help but I am currently working through an issue to do the the TDC sensor and flywheel.
Mine was turning over with no start as part of my fault tracking I disconnected the TDC sensor at the plug on the Gearbox, and mine now starts but obviously has no tachometer...
It is a 2.5 2WD 2004 have had some issues with identifying the engine, as from all its paperwork its suppose to have the YD25DDTI engine installed, but it appears to the the YD25DDT? I might be mistaken this is just what i have pulled out of other forums. The only differences that i have really...
Unsure, the sensor that is contacting the flywheel (On the back of the block & connects to gearbox) the faulty sensor is located on what looks like a spacer plate between the engine & Gearbox and feeds into a hole over the flywheel and looks like it takes a reading off of the teeth that the...
Hi all, I’m in need of some advice as I’m left a bit stumped. So I carried out an engine change/rebuild on a D22 Navara 2004 with the DDT engine. Had to swap the blocks due to a fault. The new block came with a flywheel on that that appeared to be in good condition so I decided to use it.