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    • P
      Pickle445 replied to the thread EGR Blank Yd25.
      Did you do anything else like block the egr cooler? Or is it as simple as put in the blank plate
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      Pickle445 replied to the thread EGR Blank Yd25.
      You guys are confusing me hahah. Do I need something else other than just the blank gasket? Am I doing more bad then good by blocking it?
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      I’ve just ordered a blank egr gasket for my 2012 yd25. Will I get an engine light after doing it?
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      Pickle445 replied to the thread Quite a lot of soot.
      Yea it’s confused me a little bit. The needle barely moved it was the slightest mm. But then I could slightly smell it through the vents...
    • P
      Pickle445 replied to the thread Quite a lot of soot.
      Yea that’s what I’ve heard. Will it be alright for a little while? I’ve just brought it cash so bank account not looking great at the...
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      Hello I recently brought a 2012 d22 with the yd25. 108,000 K’s It runs great for the most part. However it has a good cloud of black...
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