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    • tweak'e
      tweak'e replied to the thread ZD30 Valve Clearances.
      they aren't really lifters. often called tappets, or buckets.
    • tweak'e
      tweak'e replied to the thread wastegate actuator?.
      i'm not up on d40's, but thats facing the wrong way to be a "wastegate". i suspect your model has the electronically controlled turbo, a...
    • tweak'e
      no idea on it. the book says nothing major has changed. odds are there is bolts holes etc already there for it in the cab. plus its only...
    • tweak'e
      tweak'e replied to the thread Td27 flywheel.
      the 6cyls are generally far better harmonics than the 4cyls. there is a good info from the guys who experimented with all that. it...
    • tweak'e
      tweak'e replied to the thread Td27 flywheel.
      thats all there ever was. no turbo 4cl sd engines. 720 utes where not overly common and we get a lot of jap imports here. dad had one...
    • tweak'e
      tweak'e replied to the thread EGR.
      please post some pics so we can see whats been done to it.
    • tweak'e
      tweak'e replied to the thread Td27 flywheel.
      i suggest having a read up on the TD42 crankshaft problems, especially related to flywheels.
    • tweak'e
      tweak'e replied to the thread EGR.
      what did you do exactly? photos help. if you disconnected the cooling system from the egr cooler, then the cooler has probably split...
    • tweak'e
      tweak'e replied to the thread Zd30 fault code..
      thats 0505, no codes stored. can you prime the fuel filter? does it go hard? check fuses, especially tail light fuse. any accessories...
    • tweak'e
      tweak'e replied to the thread crank no start.
      its not stuck valves. if a valve was stuck, it would break, or the cam would break, or the timing chain would break. it would be like a...
    • tweak'e
      tweak'e replied to the thread zd30 stalling randomly.
      commonly its the primer, that leaks. or the filter orings. checking the water trap valve is a good idea. i have a thread on here where i...
    • tweak'e
      tweak'e replied to the thread zd30 stalling randomly.
      a common place for air to be sucked in is the filters bottom o ring. people forget to change them, or install them twisted. check the...
    • tweak'e
      find a copy of the manual. it should give most of the detail required.
    • tweak'e
      tweak'e replied to the thread Blower motor resistor blown?.
      you really need current regulation, not voltage regulation. your setup would be expensive and unreliable. certainly no better than the...
    • tweak'e
      tweak'e replied to the thread New 2019 D23 Rx.
      the rx's are single turbo model. lower powered and not so great for getting off the line. it looks like its got the stock skinny wheels...
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