Whirring noise and oil weep

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Dec 3, 2013
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Hi guys, have a d40 navara 2013 st fitted egr blanking plate about a month ago

1.last few weeks I have been noticing a whirring noise coming from the car when revs are dropping when changing gears and when car sitting in driveway in neutral revving it and taking foot off accelerator, can hear it when sitting in car and when standing at back of car near exhaust. Sounds like when a blow off valve goes off, but not very loud, and there isn't one fitted.. Any suggestions on what it could be? Is it normal?

2. Also noticed oil weeping from where intercooler pipe connects to near the turbo! Have tightened up the clamps but still weeps.. Also has a weep of oil on drivers side when pipe connects back onto engine, tightened that clamp aswell but still a weep! But no other connections on the intercooler piping have leaks.. Is there ment to be oil passing through the pipes?

3. And pulled the egr blanking plate out and one side has soot on it, the other side was full of oil.. Is that right? Is there ment to be oil in the manifold side?
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Do you have a catch can fitted ? You might be getting blow by causing the oil , as for the other noise that's just the turbo letting pressure go VNT functions a bit like a waste gate, the oracle Old Tony would be able to explain it better than me :)
No catch can fitted.. Is it bad to get oil through there? Pulled the silicone hose off with the clamps that connects from metal near turbo to the plastic bit before the intercooler pipe and put finger in both ends and they seemed clean.. Didnt feel like any oil had gone through them.. But the silicone hose was full of oil?? Seemed strange
G'day Toffa, I just found oil coming from the same location with a similar noise, very annoying!
I tightened mine up also.
I also have found a leak where the egr blanking plate goes due to a damaged metal gasket which I pulled out today I left in its place the blanking plate but I'm still finding a whirring whizzing sound but way lower than it was.
I also do not have a catch can fitted, however I purchased one on eBay last night and it was only $37 or $38. Cheap as. There is a video on you tube on how to fit it. Sorry mate, I don't have a link for it but if you type in the generic stuff- navara catch can. Or something along those lines... There's a kiwi dude that shows you everything about it. I bought the exact same as his one.
But, Toffa, check the post about Nissan rip offs I posted last night. Old Tony (legend) helped me out with some advice here.
I'm sure he'll get back to you on your problem.
Until then... Chip up bruz.
The YouTube vid is by successful engineer
Type in "navara catch can"
It's very helpful for blokes like me who ain't a mechanics asshole.
Oil coming from those pipes means a boost leak, which can happen as much from an undertightened (loose) clamp as from an overtightened (pinched) clamp. It could also be a split in the hose - the oil is from the engine's blow-by, you get more of it the harder you drive it (more heat = more vaporisation of oil in the sump = more oil in blow-by).

The oil on the manifold side will be from the same thing (blowby). I'm a little surprised to hear how much there is.

As for the whirring, it might be the turbo anyway - while you don't have a BOV, you do have vanes which direct the gas onto the turbine. Blocking the EGR does have a minor impact on the turbo (slightly more effective) so you might be hearing a combination of things there.

I wouldn't stop listening to it though, just in case. I would consider a catch can - and carefully inspect those hoses. I wouldn't expect them to crack after just 5,000km but clamps are often the cause of issues. You might consider removing the hoses and cleaning the inside of the hose (and the connection point) to ensure there's nothing preventing a good seal.
Thanks stevo, il have a look at a catch can.

Tony, I noticed the leaks a week ago, gave the clamps a tighten up and wiped the metal part that comes off the turbo.. Today the oil had weeped back down the 90 degree bendshaped metal part.. It had weeped down about 70mm.. Pulled that silicone hose where it was leaking from off and that had quite a fair bit of oil sitting in it, but inside the metal 90 going down to the turbo and the other side connected to intercooler hose weren't oily at all? I cleaned them all up and have put back together...
What about the oil on the manifold side of egr blanking plate? Should that have oil leaking from there?
The oil on the manifold side of the EGR blanking plate is expected - it's still blowby. Expect to see it anywhere between the connector for the little (20mm or so) hose that connects to the air intake just in front of the turbo and the inlet valves, so turbocharger, charge air hoses, intercooler, intake manifold, EGR valve on the intake side - all affected.

The one other cause for LARGE amounts of oil in there is the turbo bearing seals. It's obviously not a good thing when that happens. The turbocharger relies on oil being pumped through it, and that the oil is refreshed continually, particularly when the turbo is hot (working hard). If you're seeing oil in there under moderate loads, I'd be concerned for the turbo seals. Thankfully there's a way to ease your mind a little about those.

Clean the pipework where you've found the oil already, then just take the car for a drive, but this time NEVER exceed 2500rpm. It's a diesel - it'll get there when it gets there (okay, okay, say that to an R10 pilot). Crack the pipe again and look for any signs of oil - if you see some, then perhaps it IS your turbo's seals. At 2500rpm you should be getting a small amount of blowby, and a very small amount of oil, but over a short drive I wouldn't expect it to accumulate much inside the pipe at all.

On the other hand, if it's being pumped out of a seal by the oil pump, it could probably do it at idle! The driving test gets the pump (and turbo) working a little harder and makes the test definitive.
Ok, cleaned the pipe yesterday but didnt take it for drive. Drove to work today, but exceeded 2500rpm! Took the hose off after work and it had a layer of oil on it. Again the metal part near the turbo no signs of oil and plastic part bolted to motor no oil.. Cleaned it and took it for a 5minute drive and didnt exceed 2500rpm. Took hose off and no oil at all!
Images attached is where weeping from


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Good news then - it's probably NOT failed turbo oil seals. It's most likely just blowby.

If it really is a large amount of oil though, I'd probably get a compression test done, to give you some idea of whether the piston rings are sealing properly. They take the glow plugs out and use that access to do the test.

Might be time to start thinking about buying a catch can - Forefront Industries (they're on this forum) sell two sizes and judging from your descriptions, I'd guess the larger one would be more appropriate!
Sorry, haven't been on in a while. I just pulled all mine apart, wiped them down and put them back together and they haven't leaked since

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