Tough decision...

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Apr 8, 2009
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I am able to get my hands on a 94 Discovery V8i dual fuel with stuffed head gaskets for $500 (that's for me only, it's not for sale to others, sorry).

The pros:
What a deal!
Solid front axle
Coil suspension
Probably doesn't need much for RWC.
Head gaskets not a big problem.

The cons:
Aren't landy parts stupidly expensive?
It's in Queensland, would have to transport it down.
Petrol engine, yuck.
Crap fuel economy.
What the heck do I want a wagon for?
I don't want to pay two sets of rego, insurance, servicing and don't need two cars
Every dollar I spend on the Landy is a dollar the Nav wouldn't see :dong:
Too many awesome Landies on the tracks already, whereas the Nav would be one of a kind.

But for what I'd have to spend on the Navara to make it SFA and dual air lockers, I could make the Landy a weapon.

I can't:
Sell the Navara.
Resell the Landy at a profit (Or can I...?)

So, do I just ignore this opportunity? The decision seems made but I'd like your input please fellas, you guys always have some good ideas.
sounds nice and cheap but don't discount the fact that whatever you do to it is going to cost money, $500 will soon turn to thousands.

I do love the discoveries though.
Never had anything to do with Landrover's, but have been told many are reliable as a Patrol or Landcruiser (Landcruiser is hard to say as I hate Toyota's) but many have been absolute lemon's.

Luck of the draw they say.

Only you can make the decision.

Grab it, get it on road and use it for the stuff u don't want to put the Nav thru, no care about panel damage etc. Just my2c
i'm not sure if it's this particular model but i know they had probs with overheating gearboxes and head gaskets. keep researching as there is a reason they are so cheap. they are hard to sell. a mate had 2 of them cause he was sucked in by the cheap price too and sold one for a big loss and the other he gave away
I just remember the Disco's being notoriously expensive on parts.

If I bought every 'bargain' that came my way I would have a car yard out the back and no wife LOL.
buy it, fix it cheap as possible, fill it with cheap arse ebay camping gear & sell it to backpackers for $5k. Trust me, they see our fuel as nearly free, all want a V8, don't worry about insuring it, 5 of them club together and generally want a comfortable 4x4. Oh yeah, and landrovers are british so they'll be all over it.
Might start looking myself actually
I sold my 99 Series 1 V8 Disco to buy the Nav. Built like it was supposed to last forever & lovely to drive, but the cost to run the thing, wow.
60k service alone was $900 from a non dealer. Before I put it on gas, I was getting 21-25l/100K. The best I got on a trip was around 18l/100k.
buy it, fix it cheap as possible, fill it with cheap arse ebay camping gear & sell it to backpackers for $5k. Trust me, they see our fuel as nearly free, all want a V8, don't worry about insuring it, 5 of them club together and generally want a comfortable 4x4. Oh yeah, and landrovers are british so they'll be all over it.
Might start looking myself actually

That's funny. Not a bad idea.

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