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Ok you lot fart until your little hearts (and foofers) are content I'm outta here.

I'll nail the windows shut before I leave just so others coming along later can enjoy all that we did!
Mmmmm, server rooms without aircon, days of 35c, server, switch and router fans screaming, management notified, BUT, the strange thing is, they acted upon the warnings. I walked in this morn and an aircon has been put in over the Christmas break.
Mmmmm, server rooms without aircon, days of 35c, server, switch and router fans screaming, management notified, BUT, the strange thing is, they acted upon the warnings. I walked in this morn and an aircon has been put in over the Christmas break.

Get yourself a copy of AS2834-1995 Computer Accomodation, makes justification a bit easier if you ever need it in the future. I use it here at work a bit.
Bloody aircon's not wired in. I keep pressing the remotes buttons, but nothing happens.

As soon as the servers draw the screen (come back from powering off the monitor) their fans ramp up :rofl2:
Yep, got home around 12.30pm, grabbed some lunch, turned on the TV watched a movie for 90 mins and then got back into it. Now the southerly is blowing cooler air up from down south, much nicer now. I want to go work in the shed now.
Sounds like a good days work to me.


Watch 1 and your hooked.

Strong language.
Nice boys you enjoy that air con, While i soldier on, Damn i,m good

Nearly as good as me dave :big_smile:

Was bloody hot out there today. Never thought I'd be thankful for the Kubota but when the alternative is the Ferg with no cabin the Kubota and A/C always wins hands down.

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