Pathetic servicing.

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Sep 18, 2011
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New to Australia and am amazed how crappy the service has been on my new Navara. New from Townsville and after about 500km L.R wheel was coming loose. After1000 Km I decided to check tire pressure to find it still had the 80 PSI put at the factory. No PDI was completed properly. 10,000 service at another Nissan dealer and asked if they could drain the fuel filter to make sure there was no water. No, that would require another appointment so they could send it out to a diesel shop, so I just drained it my self on their lot when I picked it up. Tires were also out of balance, and that also would require a separate appointment for vehicle to be sent out. Just stopped at a local tyre shop and they gladly balanced them for me.
Now for the ultimate insult. I just got the 20,000 service done in Bundaberg and they spilled oil all over everything and got oil in the cab. My new Navara smells like a 20 year old work ute. I will be back to them tomorrow to see what can be done to get the oil stench out of the vehicle. May be a new truck for me.
Coming from Canada where service is a big deal, with high standards, to have an endless list of BAD service is a worry. Is this typical of all makes, and dealers in Australia? Would Toyota be better? I love this vehicle, but if crappy service is the norm with Nissan it will be gone. Sigh.
after several bad services from Nissan they no longer get my business
Any registered motor mechanic can do log book services without voiding warranty
Maybee some local members can advise you of a good mechanic
Sorry to hear about your poor service every few weeks a similar complaint will appear on the forum i think very few members use nissan for service.

I gave up after numerous dramas the worst was when i picked my d22 up from 20k service noticed a pool of oil under,they had not put the sump plug
back in nor filled it with oil,previous to this when my snorkle was vibrating on the body they simply shoved a old pair of work socks into the front housing.
I guess at the end of the day you need to get nissan to rectify their f up
good luck with this when i complained about my poor service i received a keyring and stubby holder for my trouble,any good local mechanic will take pride in his work and needs repeat buisness and recomendations also with lower overheads much better price.
All the best
It seems to be fairly indicative of dealerships in Aus I'm afraid. They only ever do the bare minimum and many don't understand the concept of repeat business (i.e. bend over backwards to keep customers happy and they may come back for a new vehicle every few years).

In your case I can only suggest that you keep hounding the dealer to fix their mistakes, and then find a trusted local diesel mechanic for your logbook servicing (there's a much better chance that they will develop a relationship with you based on an earned trust because they know the benefit of return business).

BTW - welcome to aus!
It seems to be fairly indicative of dealerships in Aus I'm afraid. They only ever do the bare minimum and many don't understand the concept of repeat business (i.e. bend over backwards to keep customers happy and they may come back for a new vehicle every few years).

One of the issues is that in most cases they don't have to understand such things. Once upon a time a Holden salesman was a Holden salesman and they kept their jobs because they liked them and dealerships liked forming relationships. These days salesmen are just salesman who will try and sell anything that pays the bills, they have little consideration for the product and the attrition rate is high, they may stay in the business but they rarely stay in the same dealership for long. Dealership mechanics aren't much different, they don't have to worry about repeat business because chances are they wont be there for the customer if they do come back.
Spot on Krafty.
I don't bother with the dealer anymore unless I buy genuine parts or warranty.
There like insurance companies. Wonderfull people to deal with unless you want to make a claim.
I gave up with the dealer, and will have my NEW Navara professionally cleaned and de-odored, and send them the bill. They just said the smell will go away after a while(weeks, months?)
I guess we take after that typical English style of service here in this country. Unlike North America which from my limited experiance seems pretty good. Some guys have some luck and crack a good dealership but it seems rare.
crappy servicing

I was in the automotive service industry for 30 years in Canada, so I find it especially disturbing how crappy service is here. Both dealers and especially independants focus on one-stop shopping and make sure their customers leave with a smile, not a frown. Sigh.
To be fair there is some dealerships (they may be few and far between) and many independent mechs here who go above and beyond the call of duty for their clients, you just have to find one.

I find it hard to believe that in this day and age there is not arseholes in every business in every country. Sure you might have dealt with some good people in Canada but by statistics alone there has to be arseholes who would prefer to rip people off before providing a decent service.

I've dealt with and worked with 11 Canadian clients over the last 20 years in the web industry and only 3 of them were a pleasure to work with, the others were either arseholes who didn't like paying for a service or people who always bitched about everything that was done.

Not really any different to Australia, although one difference here in Aus is that some people think advertising for a $5 and hour Indian website designer is actually preferable to local service until they work out what $5 an hour gets them.
depends on what people are happy to pay, the independant mechanic we use to take the work vehicles too was thorough, But you paid for it (he retired). he would adjust door locks and other little things. Now where we go its change oil and write the bill
where are you living in QLD now, I can give you the numbers of a good Nissan dealership and independent mechanic if you are near the Sunshine Coast.
Thats sad to hear O.P as Bundaberg is my home town. Im sorry i dont know who runs it, otherwise i might be able to have a word... Looks like youve sorted it yourself, so all i can do is join the chorus and say find a nice respectable indipendent.

On that subject does anyone know of any around the Tingalpa, Wynnum, Cannon Hill area?

Thats sad to hear O.P as Bundaberg is my home town. Im sorry i dont know who runs it, otherwise i might be able to have a word... Looks like youve sorted it yourself, so all i can do is join the chorus and say find a nice respectable indipendent.

On that subject does anyone know of any around the Tingalpa, Wynnum, Cannon Hill area?

Since owning my first car and experience with dealer services - I gave up. Now I stick to one mechanic and his network of other service men - proud to recommend this guy from Auto Care Repco at Minto 2566 - great price great service and once a month get a free BBQ with all other customers :)
I have just this second put the phone down from the dealers and wanted to share this with you all!! So the phone rings and it's a blocked number i never answer these but for some reason i did on this occasion and a bloke said "hello my name is (what ever it was) and i'm calling from .......... nissan, your stx 550 is coming up to it's 10,000k service soon and i am wondering if you would like to book it in" my reply was "No i'm sorry i won't be booking it in as i have been very disappointed in the service i have received from there and i have made alternative arrangements for it's service, i hadn't even finished what i wanted to say when he interrupted me and said "ok i will remove you from our system" and hung up!! absolutely disgraceful in my opinion, no "ohh i am sorry to hear that what is it you have not been happy about? or is there anything at all i can do for you so you give us another try?" just nothing at all except a "i will remove you from our system" 60 odd grand sale and this is what you get, i am simply appalled.
They have had their hands on it twice now and it's twice too many times first time it was when they fitted the central locking hard lid, the person fitting it drilled the body in the totally wrong places so the LED light stays on 24/7 as the strut doesn't go far enough into the strut body as to turn the light off, not only this but as an added insult they put a scratch in the tailgate right through to the bare metal, i obviously complained and their solution was "we bill paint the tailgate and blow it in down both sides" or "swap you tailgates off that ST over there and put your badges on it" even though mine has the lock in it, reverse camera etc, all that on a brand new ute that hadn't even turned a wheel yet, second time was the 1000k service sure enough it came back again scratched to the bare metal on the drivers side of the tub at the back of the arch. I can only think this is why they were so dead set on me buying the electronic rust protection for it as if i continued taking it there for it's services it would end up with no paint on it at all!!! Absolute :wristy: 's

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