Alarm/key/central locking quandry.... (andy ?)

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Oct 6, 2011
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Hi People

Some guidance needed here...

I am down to one key for my D40. It has all the original central locking and immoboliser stuff in it...

I have somebody who can program a Key to the immobiliser for 100 pounds but it wont work with the central locking


I would like to remove the immobiliser and factory central and replace both
keep factory immobiliser and just replace the central locking and have a second remote... ( much cheaper) sure I have a second remote but it is then new equipment which I like the idea of as I have seen that the central locking does die so to replace it for 40 pounds is preventative maintenance.

Has anybody done anything like this?? Ultimately I would love to import a keyless start alarm immobiliser that also handles my central locking :clappy: That is first prize !

I would love to buy something like a ... 566&sr=1-1
Oh this is that electrical thread you spoke of yesterday, ok gimmie a sec I'll have a read right now I'm watching a guy try to park his caravan and this is too enthralling to stop watching.
Wow that was worth watching, people here are complete morons.

Anyway if I was you I'd get a key blank off ebay (25 pounds last time I looked at ebay UK) then take it down to Nissan to get reprogrammed and it will work for both. Nissan in Aus charge about $170 I think I remember reading somewhere else that Nissan UK are as low as 50 pounds but that was a while ago.

But for me that's a heaps easier option than going down the path of adding and removing stuff. Although there is a very good chance that even a new system will just be plug and play and you probably only have to remove the control boxes and replace them. I doubt the wiring will have changed much because the systems them self are fairly basic.
Thanks KraftPg :)

Do you know of any reputable guys on ebay?

I have been warned there are many bull$%iters and a lot of fakes. Guys also warned me that only certain ones will work with certain models etc... Very keen to give it a go though :rock:

Below is the interior of the key...


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  • IMG_1505.JPG
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All I know is the guys off the UK site don't seem to have trouble buying them

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