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  1. D

    Clunking noise

    Well I did say after having the stops corrected, which would mean that they are now doing their job of protecting the cv. Still taking it easy though makes me wonder what else is hanging on by a thread..
  2. D

    Clunking noise

    Also read about the poor turning circle in the d22 on here and assumed that my 20 point turns into a car park were standard.. Can spin the wheel twice as far after having the lock stops corrected
  3. D

    Clunking noise

    Hey guys, Just ticked over the 1000k mark and took my d22 in for her first service yesterday. When asked if I had any problems or concerns I told him about this clunking noise from the front whenever I was turning full lock. He then told me that this was the lock stops rubbing on the nylon...